[center][h2]Javal[/h2][/center] Javal's blow caused the zombie to lose its balance and stumble to its knees. As it tried to regain its footing, the former pilot moved back. He had slowed the zombie down so far, but it was still moving and he could really use a better weapon than a table leg... It was just at that moment that Lena came to his side and presented him with a mace. Had she found this on the knight's corpse? This was no time to overthink it, so he took the mace from her without questioning it. [i]This ought to give much better results,[/i] he thought. He struck at the zombie's other knee as it tried to get back onto its feet. As the shambling corpse stumbled as its other knee was broken, the swung at its neck vertebrae, its shoulders, and its skull, not ceasing his blows until the zombie had ceased to move. Once he was sure it wasn't even trying to move, he stopped, breathing heavily. "I...think I got it..." he said as his pounding heart began to slow down. [@Rune_Alchemist][@VitaVitaAR]