[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/MxjSN4m.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/3V3JiAp.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Kba1iWT.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][h3]Ehlm City, Outside the Central Spectral Woods[/h3][/color] [sub][@Herald], [@SporkoBug], [@Qia][/sub] [hr] Roose desperately dug, trying to smother the flames before they came too close. Red Embers screamed and writhed on the ground, suffering from bludgeoning from concrete, and burns that seared through them beyond just third degree burns. Bears screamed and collapsed, holding their heads and blood seeped from their ears and noses. And Savio? He was silent a moment, in a trance, wholly lost within whatever hell Roose had trapped him in. Until he giggled behind his mask. [b]”Ah, of course, why didn't I see it before?”[/b] His form flickered, before sparks of embers shot around him, touching his skin and setting him on fire as he grew in size and form. [b]”More suffering brings [i]power[/i].”[/b] Soon, Savio was the same size as Mercyval and the Wendigo, a brilliant phoenix with its wings spread out, heat radiating off them. [b]”Let us suffer together, Val!”[/b] Savio roared in a distorted voice, before his phoenix form took flight. Hovering above Mercyval and the Wendigo, it beat its wings furiously, generating winds that caught fire. Soon, Mercyval and the Wendigo were trapped in a tornado of pure fire, edges drawing closer to burn them. It might not affect Mercyval, but Wren…? The introduction of the fire twister in the center of the battlefield dispersed the fire around the mini raptors,and Roose took a settling breath. Her eyes scanned the dusty street. Half of the Red Embers were incapacitated, the other half firing on the Ghost Corps. And on the far side, almost all the Bears were on the ground. The humans were already losing. Roose turned to Stalker. [b]”Pack leader, we should leave. We will die if we stay here.”[/b] Meanwhile, VV grinned at A, [b]”There it is. Your powers are damn scary, A.”[/b] Already, Ghost Corps were moving in, close to the ground, attempting to detain or kill the Bears whimpering on the ground. That left Vin in VV’s shadow hand. VV stared up, showing no enjoyment in her eyes as she leveled a glare at the man. [b]”This all started with you, didn't it? Our little hell on Dust. Or whatever you call it. “First it was our hearts. Then you had to go and kill D. [b]Trust me[/b], death is too good for you.”[/b] And VV squeezed a little. Vin struggled uselessly in her grip, staring down at her unapologetically. [b]”This is how it is in this world! You either eat or be eaten, kill or be killed! Your friend failed to understand that!”[/b] VV growled, and clenched her fist a little more. In response, the shadow grip tightened. There was the sound of a cracking rib. And then another. Vin wailed in agony.