[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vCOad5d.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/e9VoB/MGI1NjQ0Y2U4MzYxNDhkMmIxNTI0YzJkMmVkZWUwOGMub3Rm/Q2lhcmEgVmVudHVyYQ/handwriting-signature.png?r=fs&h=138&w=2813&fg=FFFFFF&bg=000000&tb=1&s=49[/img] [/center] [hr][i][color=gray]Inside the Carriage, Outside Wingram[/color][/i] [sub][@Nanaya][/sub][hr] [I]Umbralist fledgling.[/i] The statement should infuriate her. But as Professor Alto’s words washed over her, she couldn't bring herself to be angry. As if, deep down, some part of her just… accepted it. These labels they wanted to stick her with. Perhaps there was some truth in it. Maybe, she really was… At least he wouldn't relish it. She could be grateful for that, at least. And it would be quick. Imagine, a sixteen-year-old child coming to terms and being happy about the conditions of her death… Ciara shook her head. Instead she thought a little about the other nations the professor mentioned. The way he talked about it, they really were blessed to be part of the Vaal Union. If she wasn't under threat of death or experimentation, she'd want to be a part of that movement to protect their home. She lived here, after all. And then she thought of the absurdity of that thought. Would she really sacrifice her life for the people who scorned and ridiculed her? Ciara gave a soft sigh, flopping back a little. All this bad rep over a little color of ethos. You'd think she carried some kind of plague. It wasn't like she [i]chose[/i] this. Though…she [i]did[/i] choose to hurt Iraleth and Hidegunde. Another groan as Ciara sank even further in her seat. Time passed like this, until… The carriage came to a stop. Ciara glanced up curiously, glancing at Professor Alto. It was too soon for a bathroom break, at least she thought so. But with how Professor Alto looked, this appeared… unscheduled. That left questions like who or what was barring their path… Ciara glanced to Iraleth, concern crossing her gaze. Before her face flushed, and her gaze dropped. Iraleth and her… she didn't know what they were. Likely not friends. Not anymore. But out of everyone in this carriage, it was Iraleth she felt most comfortable with. Even if Iraleth hated her guts.