[h1][color=ed1c24]Asagumo Kaiga[/color][/h1] Kaiga gave a sigh of relief as he touched down thankfully he wasn't late. Getting disqualified by tardiness would be embarrassing, patting himself off Kaiga gulped as he walked over to Yatagarasu. This was going to be hard to explain...actually no it would be easy, he had came late because he had just heard a super rare Endeavor figurine was going for sale and he couldn't miss it, but for some reason he felt that wouldn't be a particularly good excuse. "[color=ed1c24]Y-yatagarsu[/color]." Kaiga greeted unchracterlisticly calm before he did a deep bow. "[color=ed1c24]MY APOLOGIES FOR BEING LATE.[/color]" Yatagarsu had been blowing up Kaiga's phone but he had ignored it for more important activities (getting Endeavor merch) but now it was time to face the music. "[color=ed1c24]I lost track of time and before I knew it I waslate...but um.[/color]" Kaiga coughed and pointed at himself, "I'm here now." Hopefully that should satiate Yatgarasu, out of the corner of Kaiga's eye however he spotted Mei-Senpai. Kaiga gave a smile and gave her a wave, Mei was one of the only non-arrogant Class-A, and he quite looked up to her; however, he was sad that he didn't manage to help her during [i]the Le'Nombril incident[/i]. However he couldn't wait to watch her fight (clueless)