[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjg4LmFmODJiMC5TbVZ6YzJsallTQktiMjVsY3cuNg/punk-kid.regular.webp[/img][/center] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/a580ea35c1cdd5e652d72e137c2d3c67/tumblr_ovcztbY2SR1t34umfo1_500.png[/img][/center] Alias Investigations, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan 11:21am [hr][hr] [color=darkgray]Jessica wound her way through the stairwell leading to the apartment she rented out. She had been asked time and again why she didn't move somewhere else. Somewhere where she could have a nice office with an elevator that worked all the time. Jessica said it gave her work "character". After all, people remembered going to her office and seeing the holes in the wall and hearing the yelling and banging from the other tenants. She stepped into the main part of her office and saw her ever-present secretary, Avery. Avery was 25 years old. While she presented as a stereotypical secretary, a blonde bombshell with light brown eyes like melted chocolate, she was anything but. Whip-smart and eager to prove herself as more than someone doing the paperwork, Avery had a keen head on her shoulders and didn't take shit from anyone. She may have been a regular joe without superpowers, but she could hold her own. It was part of the reason Jessica hired her. That and Jessica hated dealing with people initially. [color=pink]"New client in your office. Been waiting 20 minutes now."[/color] Jessica sighed. [color=af82b0]"I'm a little bit late. Sorry, I was hugging my daughter goodbye."[/color] This was only partially true. She did see her daughter off for the day, but she was late because some moron was talking on his phone loudly on the subway right next to her and she had to make sure he didn't bother any other New Yorker. She was sure he'd wake up on that subway bench any minute now. Avery smirked as if she knew, but let it go. [color=pink]"His case seems legit. Hear him out before you go off on him please."[/color] Jessica nodded, but didn't hold out much hope. She stepped into her office proper and saw a man sitting on one of her chairs. He looked to be in his late 40's, slightly bald with a downtrodden face that Jessica figured was handsome at one point until life decided to sucker-punch the poor man. He looked up at her as she stepped around to sit in her chair. She folded her hands and leaned on the desk. [color=af82b0]"What can I help you with?"[/color] The man looked like he has been expecting someone else, and perhaps he did. She didn't look like your average private investigator. She wore her leather jacket, a dark purple t-shirt with some popular band's name on it. Dark wash jeans and leather boots completed the ensemble. To his credit, his face returned to its former depressive affect before he continued. [color=white]"My cat's up a tree."[/color] Jessica stared at him. Did she hear that right. She continued staring but the man was firm. She looked out past the door to see if Avery was listening. She returned her gaze back to the man. [color=af82b0]"You're serious."[/color] It wasn't a question. It was more of an exacerbation. [color=white]"Yes."[/color] [color=af82b0]"Are you fu-"[/color] she started before Avery spoke up, loudly, [color=pink]"Hear him out!"[/color] Jessica sighed and gestured for the man to continue. [color=af82b0]"This seems a typical call for firefighters, but go on, I guess."[/color] [color=white]"Mr. Mittens is not your typical cat. Firemen are not equipped for him."[/color] [color=af82b0]"First of all, it's firefighters. There are women and non-binary firefighters in our proud city. Second, they handle cats in trees all of the time."[/color] [color=white]"If Mr. Mittens was a typical cat I would agree with you. He isn't."[/color] [color=af82b0]"Is he...what an exotic animal? You bought like a tiger or lion and it got out? That's still not a case I work."[/color] [color=white]"No Mr. Mittens is a regular cat. Or, rather, looks like one. But...umm..."[/color] Jessica rolled her eyes. [color=af82b0]"Spit it out!"[/color] [color=white]"He has superpowers!"[/color] Jessica stared at the man again. This time it was in disbelief rather than outright contempt. She closed her eyes and felt a light headache coming on. [color=af82b0]"Your cat has...superpowers?"[/color] The man nodded and pulled out a picture from...somewhere. He showed it to her. The picture was an orange tabby cat. Looked young. Looked like your run-of-the-mill cat. [color=white]"I found Mr. Mittens, that's the name that was on his collar, out one day. When I found him I tried finding his owner. There was no phone number on his collar and no identity chip. He was healthy so I assumed someone would be looking for him. I made posters and put them all over the neighborhood. Someone called me and said it was his cat and that he would come pick him up. The man showed up and...well...he wasn't there for the cat, it turns out. He came into my apartment with a gun and threatened to kill me. He wanted money. While I was gathering what I had Mr. Mittens came over and the man attempted to shoo him away, push him and eventually tried to kick him. Mr. Mittens then....vaporized him."[/color] Jessica looked around. She was being Punk'd surely. Ashton Kutcher was bound to come out and say this was all some elaborate prank. When MTV didn't show up, she continued. [color=af82b0]"Your cat...vaporized a man?"[/color] [color=white]"A criminal, to be fair. One who was threatening me. But yes. It was like some beam shot out of Mr. Mittens' eyes and one second the man was there, the next he was a pile of dust on the floor. Naturally I panicked and tried to scoot him back out but...I guess he took a liking to me. And now he is up a tree and I am worried if someone else tries to get him out he will...you know."[/color] Jessica had to admit, this was a first. She was going to kill Avery for allowing this, but also give her a raise. [color=af82b0]"So you want to hire me to get your cat out of the tree for you?"[/color] The man shook his head. [color=white]"No. Well, yes, at the start. But I want to hire you to find out who Mr. Mittens' original owner is. Someone experimented on this cat and caused this. I worry there are other animals, potentially more dangerous, out there. Or animals that are locked up and being worked on, maybe even killed, over whatever this person's goal is. I have money. I can pay."[/color] Jessica leaned back in her chair and put her feet up. She had been hoping for more work. She had been bored. This was..interesting. [color=af82b0]"Where's the cat?"[/color][/color]