The fight seemed to go well for a moment. Her spear lit up with Holy Fire and the soldiers cheered, but more enemies poured in. Even though she was side by side with MacKensie and their soldiers were inspired by their fearless captains, it wasn't enough. The skeletons came. Thousands of them. The signal for retreat was given. They had practiced this. "To the Bazaar!" Fenna ordered. "Falcons, fly back! Kill anything on your path but do not stop! Sil! Guide us." The falcon spread her wings and took to the sky. The soldiers followed her. Fenna locked eyes with MacKensie. "I'll race you there. Stay safe." There were three routes they could take from the wall to the Bazaar. The first was blocked, Fenna could tell because Sil went into a different direction. The enemy lay in an ambush and were about to jump on them when Sil let out her Loud Screech to distract any non-undead creature and the Falcons were able to deal with them with minimal casualties. Fenna looked at the fallen with a flash of sadness in her eyes when she passed them. If they were alive she'd stop and help, but there was nothing she could do. Explosions and screams of pain sounded through the city as fireballs rained down on people. The stench of burning meat and clothes filled the air. One explosion was closeby. Sil took a sharp right turn, the road ahead wasn't safe. The soldiers followed her. An explosion knocked the falcon out of the sky. Fenna's heart stopped for a moment. Without thinking she planted the spear on the ground and used it to launch herself up so she could reach Sil. She landed next to the falcon and gently picked her up. The falcon was dazed and there were scorch marks on her feathers, but there weren't any major injuries. "Go!" she ordered the soldier around her. "Fly to the Bazaar." With both Sil and her spear in her arms, Fenna was limited to running, but there was no way she would leave Sil behind. Two soldiers stayed close, matching their speed to Fenna's so they could defend her if needed. They entered the street the Lions had just before left. Fenna saw a familiar face lying on the ground. Zell. She beelined to him and the two soldiers followed. "We have to go ma'am." "One moment." Fenna urged. She pushed her fingers on his throat to feel for a pulse. That was there, but Zell was out cold. "Come on Zell get your lazy ass up we have to go!" "I'll take him on my back," one of the soldiers offered. "Please go ma'am." Fenna put down her spear and the falcon for a moment and helped the second soldier to pull Zell from the ground and onto the back of the first soldier. Then she quickly picked up Sil and her spear and continued to run down the street with one soldier next to her and the second jogging along behind them.