Contrary to the violence Mercyval had been unleashing, it recognized it’s defenses against the heat and crouched over the vehicles to protect as many of them as it could, it’s maw turning up to look at the phoenix and roaring a challenge. The fires were spreading, and the heat coming off of Mercyval was only a bit better than the tornados themselves. His purple eyes started darting around, looking for solutions. The Phoenix was flying, and though it posed little threat to Mercyval with it’s fire attacks, he in turn posed little threat to it as long as he was stuck on the ground. [color=0072bc][i]We must climb…[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][i]To drag it from the sky[/i][/color] The towers to either side were the only thing even possible to hold Mercyval’s weight. They were already damaged, both by Mercyval himself and from the raging battle. [color=0072bc][i]We have allies Mercy…[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][i]We have never needed help making the kill. We do not need it now.[/i][/color] [color=0072bc][i]Neat. I didn’t know we could fly.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][i]Sarcasm is for the weak.[/i][/color] [color=0072bc][i]Then you know what we have to do. Do you want the kill or not?[/i][/color] Mercyval growled audibly, turning it’s attention to Wren’s changed form and hoping his voice would carry through the raging fire and gunshots. [color=662d91]”Cabhrú liom tóg agus chosaint an lag ó an tine. Mé beidh ghlacadh an éan”[/color] Mercyval then turned it’s gaze on the phoenix and roared out. [color=662d91]“Amháin an lag fulaingt. Agus againn bhfuil ní lag.”[/color] Mercyval picked itself back up, it’s claws digging a wide trench in the earth as it hurled a cloud of dust up towards the phoenix, then leapt onto the least damage of the two towers and hauled itself up as far as it could risk. Vines spit the earth at the base of the tower, weaving intricately around and through the exposed holes where windows used to keep away the elements. The tower groaned under the weight of Mercyval, but the vines pushed back against his weight, keeping pace with the large Wild as it ascended. Steel buckled and vines split, but the building held long enough for Mercy to reach the height it needed. Mercyval spared little time in trying to guess the angle it needed. The more time the phoenix had to react, the more time it had to dodge the lumbering Wild. It turned it’s head towards the phoenix and bared it’s teeth as the dust cloud fell away from it’s earlier attack. Mercy began to aim for it’s neck, but Val’s mind intervened. The phoenix may be able to adjust it’s form, much like the Wendigo did around Wren and so a broader attack would be needed. Mercyval took the chance and leapt bodily at the bird, it’s claws swiping downwards to latch onto anything it could and trying to aim the tackle to take them both into and through one of the buildings and away from the convoy.