[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] Her approach was swift, ferocious and just outside of their field of vision. The group of vandals, two-score of corrupted tribesmen, busy setting fire to the buildings on Tonberry Lane, had no idea that their end was nigh. MacKensie came running along the brickwork of the terraced housing toward them, a dozen silent steps at least, before she leapt off the wall and swooped in. The first of the tribesmen reacted in audible alarm as two of their number went down to headshots from enchanted bolts. Their eyes followed the flight path of the holy fire tracer rounds, up, just in time to see the blue blur land on the shoulders of one of their comrades, sink dagger into skull, then spring into a side flip over them, another bolt coated in white flame snuffing out the life a fourth tribesman. "The enemy!" the first of their shouts came, but MacKensie was already landing and sprinting away from the bulk of the group. She zigged and zagged through the remainder, injuring one and killing two more as she avoided their rushed swipes of sword and slow swings of axe. The rest of the group gave chase, a few thrown weapons too, though none reached the Ranger. MacKensie took a sharp turn onto an adjacent road. From the point of view of the tribesmen, they were thirsty for violence and thirsty for revenge, as they caught up to the junction and flew around the corner, only to come to a shocking, staggering halt, one by one, as they were confronted by a small mass of bows nocked with arrows. The tribesmen behind either collided with those who had come to such a sudden halt in front or managed to stutter-stop themselves, until there were enough of them that MacKensie gave the order. [Colour=Pink]"Now!"[/colour] A single-second drumroll of bowstring-twangs sounded off. Once forty-strong - now less than half. The Rabbits dealt with the rest of them quickly and effectively. Back at the walls; once into the mazey small streets of the northeastern quadrant of Valhiem, the Rabbits had gone away from the crowd. Their path had taken them a little closer to the eastern wall, in a bid to not clog up the narrow streets that were more directly en route to the Bazaar. This, combined with a capable and extremely mobile scout in MacKensie Trydant, had turned out to be a quicker and easier run to the city centre. Their only engagement with the enemy was easily dealt with. It delayed them little more than a few minutes. The empty streets they found had enabled them to sprint long sections and they arrived at the Bazaar in good time. [Colour=Pink]"Adam."[/colour] MacKensie's sharp eyes spotted the Druid being patched up and passed through the busy Bazaar to go and greet him, trading a few nods and quick clasps of hands with people she knew from the Military Centre, happy to see them alive. [Colour=Pink]"Adam,"[/colour] she echoed, this time within earshot, giving the american a smile as she approached. She made sure not to get in the way of the Cleric's work and went around to pat Adam on the shoulder. [Colour=Pink]"You have no idea how good it is to see you well,"[/colour] she told him, a heartfelt smile before looking over his injuries to make sure that he was indeed alright. Then she scanned for their other comrades. [Colour=Pink]"Has anyone else arrived yet?"[/colour] She was particularly worried about James - who did not lack courage with his anchor but still, was not exactly a combat class adventurer - and Alison, who the frenchwoman hadn't seen all battle. Her job was to go unseen, being a Rogue, but it would be nice to see that she was okay. She would hear Adam out, assure him that she was okay and ready to continue fighting, then thank the Cleric for their work. [Colour=Pink]"I will see if I can find the others,"[/colour] she said to Adam before leaving his side. After a brief search around the Bazaar, she came upon a band of soldiers forming up to go reinforce a nearby checkpoint and was sufficiently distracted. [Colour=Pink]"I will come,"[/colour] she told the Captain, who was happy to have another adventurer lend their strength to the makeshift unit. They left the Bazaar by the bridge and took the road dead-east, maybe two hundred metres to where the defensive barricades and small scaffolds were manned by a meagre regiment of spears, swords and bows. It was there that she recognised the influx of soldiers known as the Lions. Zell's block. But Zell was not with them. MacKensie's heart sank as she rushed to them. [Colour=Pink]"Where is your Captain? Where is Zell?"[/colour] She saw it all in her imagination as one of the Lions described the events of Zell's death. So brave. So willing to be the first in the face of danger. MacKensie's eyes welled up instantly, her bottom lip shaking like a leaf. [Colour=Pink]"It cannot be..."[/colour] There was no way he could be dead. He'd been through worse and survived. No. Surely this was nothing by comparison, surely he could get up from anything! [Colour=Pink]"[i]Where[/i]?"[/colour] was her snappy demand. They could not rightly say. Frustration, denial, hope, sorrow.. [Colour=Pink]"Wh-"[/colour] She hesitated, her features pained by a confusion of emotions as she tried to think of a good question. But her only recourse was accusation. [Colour=Pink]"Why did you leave him?!"[/colour] They tried to explain, but she was not listening. They tried to console her but she swatted the hand that came near her. Then she turned her back on them. [Colour=Pink]"Cowards!"[/colour] Anger stayed her tears. But it was wrong to project that anger onto them. Of course, they were right to go on without him, but at this moment, she would not admit it to herself. All of her brainpower focused hard on denial. [Colour=Pink][i]He is not dead.[/i][/colour] She had to believe. A short, agonizing time later, just as she was about to go running out aimlessly, back into the northeast quadrant, in some vein attempt to rescue the englishman, she saw them. First Fenna, then, [Colour=Pink]"[i]Zell[/i]!"[/colour] She jumped over the spiked barricades and ran to him. Awake or not, she did as she commonly did... she reprimanded him. [Colour=Pink]"You [i]stupid[/i] idiot. You stupid, stupid idiot."[/colour] So distracted by Zell she was, that she did not even realise, until they all got back to the Bazaar, that Sil was hurt. [Colour=Pink]"Oh my... Sil..."[/colour] she put a hand on Fenna's arm. [Colour=Pink]"Will she be okay?"[/colour]