[h3][color=gray]The Commissioner's Team[/color][/h3][hr] [hider=Jack Kingsley] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1SojBfP.jpeg[/img] [h1]Jack Kingsley[/h1] [b]27[/b] | [b]He/him[/b] | [b]Detective of the 1st Division/Detective[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] Jack has fought with the mafias in Nocturnia for most of his life. Even when he was too young to enter the police academy, he acted like somewhat of a vigilante, stalking known mafia members and interfering in their criminal activities. The only reason he evaded jail time for trying to take the law into his own hands was that the previous Commissioner at that time saw potential in him. So when he did eventually graduate from the police academy, he passed with flying colors. From that moment on, he became a menace to mafias on the street, now an embodiment of the law. His ability to put down even the strangest and most powerful Gyfts had him highly coveted. Whenever street fights broke out, he'd drop mafia members like flies. When it was his shift, the entire division would know as the holding cells would always be full. His promotion to detective was swift and well-deserved. Now he reports directly to Commissioner Franchesca, and commands the First Division in Jeweled Bank. He knows there's still lots of work to do, but he won't rest until each criminal in this dirty city is behind bars. [b]Gyft:[/b] Electrical Manipulation and Creation He is able to absorb, dish out, and generate electricity by attracting electrons in the air or from sources like car batteries. He can provide powerful electrical shocks and shoot lightning up to thirty feet away. His shock range is as low as a hum, to as strong as a shock that leaves electrical burns. Insulating material, like rubber, can effectively block and negate any and all of his abilities. If he loses concentration, or uses his abilities in a strong magnetic field, he risks the chance of running the electricity through his heart, which can cause cardiac arrest and kill him. [/hider] [hider=Aiden Beckett] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/a5pQXfC.jpeg[/img] [h1]Aiden Beckett[/h1] [b]36[/b] | [b]He/him[/b] | [b]Internal Affairs Officer | Mr. Scarletta/Detective[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] Aiden started his career as a lowly officer, then served a few years as a detective. When it was found his talents were better suited to be directed back at the police force, especially with the corruption running rampant, he was enthusiastic for the task, becoming the first public IA Officer. He is very good with information, able to hold the most random details in his head. Not only does he know each and every member of the police force, but he knows [i]uncanny[/i] information about them. For example, he knows when it's someone's birthday and brings a cake, despite that person not telling anyone and putting the wrong birth date on their application. He also has a habit of bringing people into his office to talk privately about home life, knowing who's going through fights or struggling in some way. In a way, he also doubles as a type of freak therapist and close confidant. He also usually has impeccable timing, entering someone's office at [i]just[/i] the right time to catch them slacking off or gossiping. So, by these ways, everyone has a certain level of fear and respect for him. Off the record, he is also the doler out of punishments for officers found to be corrupt. It has happened oftenly where he will walk into someone's office, and then that someone will disappear for days on end. And when they finally come back, they act like they're constantly being watched, and refuse to talk about what happened. And of course, in some cases, the corrupted official gets sent to prison or… never comes back. [b]Gyft:[/b] ??? [/hider]