[h2]Ehlm City, Outside the Central Spectral Woods[/h2][hr] Stalker watched Savio as the flames disappeared them, before he looked towards Roose as she spoke about leaving. He waited for a moment, watching Savios' form twist in the same way as Mercyval and Ferzs' Wendigo form. He wouldn't admit it to Roose, but he was almost [i]jealous[/i] of Ferz being able to twist into something so large, and it showed in his narrowed eyes before he looked towards Roose as she spoke. He gave a small nod, moving to turn away from the group before there was a moment of hesitation. [b]"You think you're sneaky?"[/b] Stalker suddenly spoke, looking towards the bushes nearby as he swayed his tail. [b]"I can smell your scent, you pathetic whelp."[/b] He hissed into the shadows. Little did he know, while he [i]could[/i] smell Ebonimi's scent, he was looking at the wrong side. The twisted humanoid hesitated for a moment before pushing themselves to leap forward; their claws outstretched to dig into Stalkers shoulder and neck. Stalker let out a howl of Pain and moved to slam himself into a tree to knock Ebonimi off him, turning to the beast and gave a rumble. [b]"Mettling brat!"[/b] He hissed with a bare of his teeth, [b]"I will bring your hide to the King!"[/b] Ferz reacted almost immediately as Mercyval spoke to him, lifting his arms up as he controlled the vines to strengthen and stabilize the towers. While Mercyval was focused on Sevio, and the girls had Vinny; Ferz turned as he heard Stalker call out in pain, spotting Ebonimi and gave a growl. [b][color=red]"We said to stay in the truck!"[/color][/b] He growled to the smaller beast before he turned to step away from the flames with a shudder; he didn't want to be anywhere near the flames as a plant based beast. Ebonimi didn't falter at Ferzs' words, moving to snap at Stalkers face and hooked their teeth into his neck and pulled aggressively; trying to tear out his throat.