[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250102/a95e4b6a6ce723b5dea7a22b1e6417a1.png[/img][/center] Location: S.S. Avalon [right]Interaction(s): [/right] [hr] Edwards slows his walk as he takes in the room, it's been a while since he was anywhere quite this luxurious. [color=c0c0c0]"I can certainly forgive the wait if this is what we're looking forward to."[/color] With that comment to noone in particular, he pours a glass of berry juice, grabs a banana and sits in a very comfortable synthetic leather chair by one of the front windows. As he sips the juice he taps one of the balls on his belt, letting Ribombee out to sit on his shoulder, naturally she steals a chunk of fruit half her height. He looks over as Vitesse leaves, but speaks to the rest of the passengers rather than following,[color=c0c0c0]"Somehow I don't think she's off to let her mantine out for that competition, probably best to wait until we're out of port for anything exciting anyway."[/color] his tone makes its pretty clear he's not taking it seriously, [color=c0c0c0]"Oh and guard anything sweet, Ribombee here would fight a charizard for a bowl sugar."[/color]