Not all technology is mechanical. The Adeptus Mechanicus are most renowned for their engines - cogitators, plasma turbines, cybernetics - but all forgotten human technology falls within the remit of the Quest for Knowledge. In order to upgrade Skitarii troops, better cogitation implants or more flexible limbs are worthwhile, but so is study into the ancient and forgotten martial arts of bygone eras. While the deep nuances may be lost, enough remains of the trappings to form a foundation. Inside the massive metal Cube 05 is the dojo of ZBD_ZEN. It is the far future's best guess as to how to recreate an ancient Zen garden, contaminated by a certain Willy-Wonka influence - bioengineered miniature trees, open ferrocrete battlegrounds, waterfalls of liquid fertilizer channeling from one part of the industrial-chemical complex to another. Everywhere are combat servitors, airbrushed entirely black, heads replaced with large cone shapes. This is also the home to the Electro-Priests, sorcerers of lightning who obey the Omnissiah in His aspect of the Motive Force. Everywhere you can hear them intone the sacred chant: [Techna-linguia] Ka (force) Meh (riding) Ha (peace). The last two tones are repeated over and over, distorting and intensifying, until finally spectacular electrical discharges roar across the open field, blasting apart the combat dummies in fountains of sparks. This is where the Dark Angel Eunicornius is said to practice her craft, apprenticed to the great Magos. You can see the two of them in the distance, meditating atop a tall pagoda that overlooks the entire dojo. It also looks like a frankly uncomfortable number of stairs to get up there.