[hider=Danny Brown] Character Name: Danny Brown Age: 29 Personality: Danny is good with electronics of all kinds and loves to learn how they work. He prefers a more hands-on approach and trial and error but won't discount the value of book knowledge either. Background: Even as a child, Danny was a tinkerer and loved to take gadgets apart and put them back together. As he got older and more experienced, he began repairing them as well, and after school he started a struggling secondhand electronics and repair shop. Seeing the ad for Ghostbusters and remembering some of the incidents they were involved with, he decided to try and join in hopes of being both more financially successful and leaving his own mark on the world. Do You Believe in UFO's, Astral Projections, Mental Telepathy, ESP, Clairvoyance, Spirit Photography, Telekinetic Movement, Full Trance Mediums, The Loch Ness Monster and The Theory of Atlantis?: I don't believe in all of them, but given the recent events, it would be foolish to fully deny the existence of the supernatural. [/hider]