Vigrid had interrogated the fragments of what appeared to be bolter rounds, painted blue. With a seminal thinking sound that emanated from the brute's deep chest, he responded, "This color is not compliant with any Chapter I ken." He then listened to the woman's gathering thoughts, and how this all seemed to point to the Dark Angels--'all' except for the color of this round. The height of the kick on the door, the transference of paint hue matching the Dark Angels' hue, the presence of a bolter... "Agreed," the Space Marine said, as he took one last sweep of the space inside here. Too many questions, not enough answers except this one: What appears to have happened here is not what happened in actuality. There is more to the story of what happened to the Archmagos; much more than a simple burglary as framed by the Skitarii. Vigrid was still not convinced that the simplicity of the report was not in itself a gambit to throw off potential investigators, as this report, without the presence of himself and this woman, would have become the official one. He knew he needed to discuss this with the Captain of the Skitarii in order to further intuit her motives. Yet the threads they needed to pull, the biggest thread to unravel, was the expected presence of the Dark Angel; and so the pair entered into this place which was full of cackling electricity, and the sounds of supplication Vigrid was not familiar with. At home, fealty was something pledged and acted out in a wholly different way than the display here in this 'garden' surrounding him and his compatriot by coincidence. The presence of combat practice in this place did, however, set him more at ease as it was a comfortable feeling to be in a place dedicated to the honing of martial skill. Vigrid scanned the space for the presence of the Dark Angel they pursued for questioning.