[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e345a640-6f5c-47dc-a2b8-3adc8382b2a0.png[/img][/center][hr] If there was a lesson Roche should have taken from the beach trip sooner, it was that when she let her guard down, the club wasn't going to do her in like the Ides of March. At least not now. Before the vacation, it was anyone's guess. Nyxia's rancor was clearly for Roche's benefit and the Rule Keeper smiled softly, discerning it was a wrath born of compassion that moved Nyxia in her rant. It was touching display and her lips warbled with a giggle she didn't want to voice. Kiyo's acerbic sarcasm was like a hand upon her shoulder, a familiar presence there when she needed it. Evil Eye was never one for grand gestures, but she was still a steady foundation to the club. About the only thing she couldn't quite capture in its entirety was Shuuko's reaction; Mostly because Roche was too busy blushing from ear to ear as she was suddenly embraced. It had the feeling of a reversal on their last hug, even if Roche was the one who'd just been spiraling in on herself yet again. With how tightly Shuuko was clinging to her she couldn't help but feel the trembling like a frost bitten leaf that wracked the poor girl. [color=orange]"O-Okay, thanks for that everyone. I think we can leave Rei be for now and just get ready for our next hunt. And, umm, let's try and stay in pairs at least. Light Girls are getting real brazen...."[/color] Roche said that, though her words were petering out as Suki seemed to react poorly to the outpouring of support and stormed out in a huff, a puff of cigarette smoke coming through the door as Suki stormed away. She might have chased after her, but there was already one girl clinging to her like a limpet. Her arms worked to wrap around Shuuko, scooting the chairs closer before running a palm along the girl's hair. [color=orange]"It's okay. It's going to be okay. We're all in this together, and no Light or Dark Girls are going to change that."[/color]