[center][h2]Nicolas Li[/h2][h3]Witch's House[/h3][/center] While Ilsa's explanation regarding the nature of the monster that they had just fled from made enough sense not to need to press the master further, the witch's raven familiar suddenly transforming into a beautiful woman gave Nick more than enough reason to pause. Quietly, his gaze panned between her and his two conpanions before finally landing back towards Ilsa. "...Is shapeshifting just... Normal here? Or are we still in the realm of coincidence?" he asked half-seriously before shaking his head. Regardless of the nature of those present, though, their benefactor had offered them some food in turn. Naturally, the adrenaline that had been pumping through his veins had suppressed any desire to eat for the moment. That didn't mean that he wouldn't be hungry in the near future, though; in fact, it wouldn't have been much of a stretch to assume that everyone might be in need of a meal after [i]that[/i] incident. If there was anything he was confident in, it would be cooking. Hopefully the kitchen was well-equipped for his needs; having done nothing else particularly interesting or otherwise magical up until this point, having a grasp on what kept his identity intact was something he desperately needed, even if he wasn't consciously aware of that fact. "Do you mind if I check out the kitchen, then? I'd like to cook something up, if that's okay with you," he replied before glancing back down at his clothes. "...Also maybe an apron and a change of clothes or something? Though that might be asking a bit much..." [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@Pyromania99]