It's been quite some years, hopefully this does suffice though. I did post in the Intrest, but since I had the free time I was able to draft this up. Apologies if I've jumped the gun. [s]I also may not have actually looked at everyone else sheets aside from snagging the skeleton to look the same lol[/s] Edit note: I've been doing this on mobile and have been doing my best to not have and fix spelling errors X.X [hider=Mikah D. Custos] [CENTER][h1][color=gold][b]M i k a h D. C u s t o s[/b][/color][/h1][hr][h3][sup][sup][color=silver]Plants (flowers and roots) [color=gold]◼[/color] B I R T H D A T E ( Feb, 20, age 19) [color=gold]◼[/color] M A L E[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3] [Img][/img] [sub][color=silver]"A rose is given to those who are kind at heart and pure of soul. Only those of the highest honor are deserving of this treasure, as it is the greatest sign of not only affection, but trust, faithfulness, and loyalty. A rose from a lover is red, to match the love shared. A rose from a friend is blue, to symbolize the hardships that they bear together, and not alone."[/color][/sub][/CENTER] [COLOR=gold][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][indent][i][color=silver]Mikah stands at just over six feet tall, specifically six foot two. His hair is a blinding white, originally thought to be a disease untill it was discovered to be due to his awakening. It was discovered that thia was the case after his eyes, which were originally a deep blue, developed heterochromia. Now he looks out into the world with eyes split between a deep blue and emerald green. He also had a tattoo that he got when he was sixteen, however he tends to not reveal it outside of certain situations.[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=gold][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][indent][i][color=silver]Mikah is the child of a fairly middle class family. Never really having much hardships, but not exactly having an easy ride either. Between his time reading books and writting about whatever came to mknd he would tend to a garden on the side of his family home. Being rather fond of flowers and other blossoming plants he was well known and liked by his neighbors. In his school he was somewhat of an outcast however. Never being "in" with the popular kids or even with most groups for that matter. Being somewhat of a loner, he kept close to the few friends he had. It wasn't uncommon for his friends to recieve a blue rose in some form as a gift from time to time. When his abilities did awaken, at first it was pretty hushed. He realized he could cause his garden to grow and bloom out of season. His hair lost all of its color which ended up causeing a round of medical visits, until the point his heterochromia developed and it was determined he was in fact a primalist. After that an accidental magocal outburst, and one massive rootwall in the backyard later, he said his farwells and headed off to the academy.[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=gold][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][indent][i][color=silver]Gemerally quiet and reserved, it hides his tendencyto talk non-stop about the thkngs he enjoys when around those he is comfortable with. It isn't uncommon when speaking with people he is comfortable with to make sure they can tell him to "just shut up" when he gets a little to excited about his topics. He can be very protecti e of people in general, even more so for those he cares about. While normaly a calm and colected person, when exhibiting his protective side he can gwt quite angry. It has been shown at least once that when in this mental state he looses control of his abilities to a degree.[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=gold][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][indent][i][color=silver]Primary abilities: -Flower Manipulation: Can cause flowers to bloom and grow to varying sizes out of season. This also can be used to change flowers into entirely different species. -Root Manipulation: Similar to his Flower Manipulation, he can manipulate roots to act almost like tentacles amd cause rapid growth in said roots. While he has better control of the roots of smaller plants, he can control roots of larger plants such as trees will a bit more effort. Secondary abilities: -Rapid Growth: Similar to his manipulation abilities, he can cause any plant to grow at an accelerated rate, however with much less efficiencyand return as woth flowers. -Plant Identification: By merely looking at a plant, Mikah can know if a plant is dangerous (such as poisonous by touch or ingestion), non-dangerous, or even edible. There is a caveat to this ability however. Plants that need preperation to loose their dangerous properties to become safe in any way will only read as dangerous to him. -Danger Sense: Contrary to its name, this ability is his ability to sense when a plant is in dire need or water or nutrients.[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=gold][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3] C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][indent][i][color=silver]Mikah will wear his uniform as his everyday clothes, and has no real sense of fashion when choosing his own clothes. Most of the time he isnt in uniform he is mearly in a pair of slacks and whatever T-shirt he has on hand. Past friends have played around with this by gifting him the oddest of shirts to others enjoyment. He has a deep love of cats, even if they do tend to munch on his beloved plants. Mikah always has a small blue rose somwhere on him. Usually in a breast pocket, though somtimes hung behind one of his ears. Its quite alive, and he tends to absentmindedly use his Manipulation on it to both keep it alive and also move around like a small plant person, much to many peoples surprise.[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider]