[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cRMH2zR.png[/img][/center] [center][color=Aquamarine]I really hope Roche finishes up her hug soon...[/color] [color=888888]-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow[/color][/center] Maybe [i]Suki[/i] thought there was no reason to remain in the clubroom, but in a twist of irony, while Nyxia herself was usually the one who wished to depart from this dysfunctional collection of losers the most, now, she had a vital reason for staying as long as needed. Roche, her partner and, yes the Neon Tempest reflected, her [i]friend[/i] was clearly going through a rough time, and she wanted to be present to support the rule keeper in whatever way she could. Of course, she wasn’t the only one doing the supporting, with Kiyo providing a pep talk in her usual, acerbic manner, and her partner going so far as to engage Roche in what Nyxia was fairly certain was the most awkward attempt at a hug she’d ever seen. In fact, the girl almost looked like she was a robot set on autopilot. [color=Aquamarine][i]At least she’s trying to help,[/i][/color] the Neon Tempest reflected. [color=Aquamarine][i]I guess that’s better than nothing…[/i][/color] Nyxia was sorely tempted to throw a snide comment Suki’s way after the toothy girl made a disgusting remark involving underwear as she headed out of the club room, but for Roche’s sake the Neon Tempest remained silent. Thankfully, the rule keeper’s demeanor seemed to be brightening up a bit, and not just in the literal sense of the amusingly embarrassed blush coloring her cheeks in response to the sudden embrace she currently found herself in. [color=Aquamarine]“Damn straight they’re not,”[/color] Nyxia agreed when Roche declared that no one would break the bond they shared, even if that was just her bond with the rule keeper herself, rather than the club as a whole like Roche had almost certainly intended. [color=Aquamarine]“So, uh, did you wanna get some training in after this?”[/color] the Neon Tempest asked her partner as she awkwardly glanced over to the beckoning window she’d arrived from. [color=Aquamarine]“Not that there’s any rush,”[/color] she hastened to add, not wanting to deprive Roche of the chance to bond with the other club members, even if she herself had zero interest in such things.