[hider=lillyflower has such a pretty design] [quote=@Cookie] [CENTER][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/PvLJrGLZ/2025-02-06-0nn-Kleki-1.png[/img][/url] [@leopard wcue] Lillyflower nodded as she tried to catch her claw in a fish and missed.d [b]"oh this is why I'm a medicine cat I suck at this!"[/b] [/CENTER] [/quote] [/hider] [CENTER][img]https://i.ibb.co/ksrRmfw0/fluffy-white-and-tabby-cat-removebg-preview-optimized.png[/img] [u][b]EnchantedIce[/b][/u] [i]she/they - lesbian - image found on https://www.emojis.com/ [/i] Enchantedice watched, amused. They chuckled, [b]"Try again. Remember- Patience,"[/b] she said with a slightly stern tone. Her fur blew in the gentle breeze.[/CENTER]