[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][@AvaP][/center] There was a reason why Alison trusted Pete. Loyalty was one thing, but to carry out the American woman’s plan also required competence. And here he showed just that. Skill, experience and guile was the reason why his stealth was enough to close the distance on Saladin. But unfortunately, the world of Mytheria was incredibly favourable to one other factor: Power. As Pete leapt up, taking Saladin and his bodyguard completely by surprise, the mere proximity to Saladin’s enchantments saw rust spread across the Thief’s blade in real-time. As he landed his blow, the powerful counter magic of a percussion blast flashed through Pete’s body and sent him flying. The fell knights all drew their swords and Saladin looked over his shoulder in shock to see the last part of Pete’s flight before he landed in the dirt, barely conscious. “Pah… ants,” Saladin spat. His ego was bruised by the fact that this rogue could even get near him. “Seize him.” He had tarried long enough, but at least he had a prisoner as he’d hoped. [center]______________________________________________[/center] At the Command Position on Citadel Mountain, all were scrambling to organize the reserve forces in preparation to fire down on the Bone Legion that had come across the river to make a direct line on Citadel Mountain. There were just so many of them. Commander Thorn had a crucial decision to make. Pull all defenders back to the mountain now. Or defend the Bazaar. There were pros and cons to each, but in the end, he had to allow the garrison time to make use of every layer of fortification, even if it meant risking those at the Bazaar having no route to get up the Citadel. He had to risk it all. To turtle up so quickly on the mountain was simply asking for a slow but certain death. He shouted down to the defenders to hold the Bazaar, his magically enhanced voice booming throughout the city. Then he turned to get a report on the status of his reserves on the mountain. “We are in position, sir. But we will not be enough to hold them back. There are too many of them.” Commander Thorn stepped forward. “I did not ask for your opinion, Yarol.” Curse the Quinity: His men were starting to break. Insubordination from a sheer lack of morale. He uncharacteristically decided to be gentle on the officer, not softening his tone, but not escalating either. “We need only slow them down for as long as possible. We are not out of options yet.” Yarol nodded. “Sir.” He got another order and then rushed off to carry it out. Then Thorn turned to others and tried to keep desperation out of his voice as he said, “I need an update on Clarissa Shields. Now.” [center]______________________________________________[/center] The Bazaar was well fortified. All along the river were spikes and barricades where men could prevent the enemy from getting onto the island. The Bazaar itself had a open-air roof of sorts and that roof, plus the supports were all inscribed with runes that would enhance any defensive barriers that the defenders might cast to protect from ranged attacks. Saladin’s army would attack from the northeast quadrant. The Bone Legion who were armoured enough to be able to walk along the riverbed would march into the water and try to bypass the underwater spikes and climb up onto The Bazaar side. Mages and marksmen would stand and fire across at the defenders. And the main quality troops who were furthest up front would try to assault the bridge and break through the chokepoint. Vice Commander Jeremiah was dead, leaving the chain of command broken, but James Sirius, leader of Second Chance, had stepped into the gap to hold the chain together. Whether he meant to or not, his courageous initiative had caused the garrison at the Bazaar to look to him for leadership. The only thing for certain was that: The Silver Arrow. Evermere. And Second Chance. These three parties would stand in front, at the bridge and prepare to shield the garrison from the worst of the onslaught. Second Chance stood in the middle. The Silver Arrow to their left. And Evermere to their right. The three individual party formations covered the width of the bridge. The rest of the garrison backed them up, with melee soldiers protecting the shores from the skeletons who coming from underwater, marksmen ready to empty their supply of arrows and mages, clerics organized for defence, support and counterattack. [h1][u][i]A random location, not far west of Valhiem...[/i][/u][/h1] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7Xof2j.jpeg[/img][/center] The coming of dawn saw birds chirping and, insects humming and little animals scurrying about to start their day. They had no idea the the city a short ways east of here was fighting to protect this habitats beauty and very existence. If Valhiem did not prevail, all of this will be gone forever.