[quote=@ERode] In this case, I'd say that it'd make sense to temporarily put a pause to Wealth/Personnel gain during this 'Est is gone' period as well for at least, I guess, 4-6 months RL or so. Otherwise all of Nocturnia would be Aristocrat districts and we'd be well on our way to having hundreds of Wealth and thousands of Personnel. Beach filler should also be separate from the main thread; just makes sense for making things slightly easier to find. In either cause, what should the [i]current[/i] round be about? Both Yankee and I had plans of jumping Pennystakes, and Matthias personally just wants to beat the shit outta Ezra and Antonio before their sticky fingers become a problem down the line. If not though, I'd just upgrade a district or something. [/quote] I don't think I ended up replying to this and may have answered elsewhere sorry, but doing so now to make sure there is a reply at least: It looks like players are leaning toward a resource freeze, I'll figure arc's and event's that can play off that. The Aid Crisis could be a good intro into that (times get tough, money and people dry up). Maybe we take PvE approach to further the 'stasis of game state'. Agree with separate thread, I'll look at starting a non-canon Nocturnia section for people to post to. I've PM'd both you and Yankee now to discuss the Pennystakes situation and Matthias ambition to deal with Antonio/Ezra. I've got some ideas of how we can work with that (At least Antonio, he's something of an environmental threat now so we could continue warring against him. Maybe Matthias tries to rally players to burn the Jolly Jalopy down?)