[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONd4lpK.png[/img][/center] [color=00F8FE]Time: 11 am Location: Edin Theater Interactions: The whole theater [/color] [hr] [color=9FA1A4] [color=00F8FE][i]Gods, he is such a momma’s boy.[/i][/color] Callum watched as Wulfric ignored him in favor of trying to reason calmly with the vicious thing that liked to call herself a mother. Briefly, he glanced at Alibeth; hatred flashed and seethed behind dark, tinted glasses. His jaw clenched as he tried to resist the urge to shout at both the queen and the crowned prince. Alibeth’s voice, the same voice that admitted to wanting Darryn dead, the same voice that had tried to condemn him to it once before, was a sound that made his skin crawl with disgust. But Wulfric, pandering to her, trying to reason with such a vile thing as if she were even worth the breath… [color=00F8FE][i]How can he not see it?[/i][/color] He wondered of his brother. The pain of Darryn’s loss had been vividly displayed on that stage, but it did not exist in a vacuum. What about the pain of knowing the thing that calls itself your mother had your friend tortured? For something you did. Wanted him executed. Was glad he was dead. When had Alibeth ever treated Ana any better than how Edin treated him? As quickly as his rage flared up, it was reduced to a dull ache. Callum was thankful his familiar had eaten away some of that anger, enough to keep him calm. His attention returned to the stage as Fritz, the damn near impossible not to like stranger he’d once called Barry, began to sing. What began as a haunting melody quickly spread through the crowd like a fire. A good fire, one that made him think of warmth and community - like the bonfire Roman and Mina had lit days before. The monkey gently swayed its head and closed its eyes. As Clarence’s voice commented on the delightful swirl of flavors that the emotions of the crowd exuded, Callum could only agree. It was the depths of human experience as a crowd became a chorus, and that chorus sang as one. The finale continued to dazzle and captivate. It all concluded with a bang, a rainfall of colorful confetti, and roaring applause. Then the spotlight shone on the royal box. Callum found himself startled by the snap of a fan. He turned and was surprised to see Morrigan was there - had she been here this whole time? He wasn’t sure. [center][color=ab274f]“This is a good chance to practice your rhetoric.”[/color][/center] His attention turned to Wulfric, who seemed effortlessly comfortable with basking in the spotlight. He almost could’ve used Wulfric’s time on stage with performers as the perfect distraction to just sneak out of the theater… [center][color=DDB775]“...always the first to leave a good time.”[/color][/center] But Callum Danrose, sure as shit, would not let himself be known as the second person to leave a good time. Instead, he waited for the crowd to settle following the end of Wulfric’s speech. [color=black][i][/i][/color] Clarence lept for its seat to the railing and bowed with a flourish while gesturing toward those on stage. Callum stood from his seat and addressed the crowd, shouting just loud enough for his voice to echo through the theater. [color=00F8FE]“Shahzade Farim and the majestic Thara, you’ve added wonder to our day. Lord Drake, you not only make Caesonia proud, but that last piece you played left a spark of hope in all who heard it. Kazumin, not only did you delight us all with your story, but you have brightened our faithful king’s day. Duke Lorenzo…”[/color] He paused, a smile widened over his face as he pointed towards the duke and shook his head. [color=00F8FE]“You broke my heart with your words, and I love you for that. But what I loved even more? That everyone finally got to hear the beautiful melodies that have blessed the palace for as long as I can remember. Ana, I am so proud to call you family.”[/color] He gave a quick wave to his sister. [color=00F8FE][i]You are the best of us.[/i][/color] Callum whispered so quietly that even he couldn’t hear it. [color=00F8FE]“And Count Hendrix, you managed to inspire most of the crowd to find their voice and unite all these voices as one. What better note to end a charity event on? A big thank you to everyone who attended, everyone who displayed their talent, to Princess Anastasia and Count Hendrix for making it all happen…”[/color] He paused again to turn and gesture to Edin. [color=00F8FE]“And to King Edin, a god among men, the shining talent from The Festival of Lights in ‘36, who is responsible for everything in glorious Caesonia.”[/color] He smiled and clapped for Edin, the monkey did the same, and soon the crowd did too. [color=00F8FE]“See you at dinner, father.”[/color] Callum dipped his head respectfully as he exited the box, Clarence following a step behind him. [color=black][i][/i][/color] [/color]