I assume that buffs to resistances would be on the table when characters undergo a second awakening. Alternatively, I did lay out a primary defense focus that would allow you to take a really strong defensive skill (at least eventually) and I'd say null/drain physical would qualify. (I also stole Persona Q's ally guard skills to fill out the role, which would be among the main draws of a going for that focus) You could probably scale up from a resist phys passive, and doing so would free up Constantine's inherent resistances for something more standard such as resist Light. In any case, Daniel (and Katherine) still don't have a tertiary focus, so there is a bit of room to add on. [quote=@ctrlsaltdel] Hm, given the discussion and system so far, I'll switch Herne's focuses--I'm thinking Ailments as primary, Gun as secondary, and Debuffs tertiary. It seems like we have plenty of people with a primary focus in either phys or magic damage, and ailments will probably be more fun to play out that status debuffs. [/quote] Eh, we don't actually have gun damage anywhere else, so I wouldn't worry about it, but it's up to you. In terms of magic damage we only have two people with focuses on it, (including Katherine) though not having a focus on it doesn't stop you from using -dyne skills so it's not that mission critical. So far we have Fire, Ice, Wind, Psychokinesis, and Light, which leaves Electric, Nuke and Dark. As far as weaknesses go, we have two weaknesses to Dark, one weakness to Fire, Electric, and Psychokinesis, and no weaknesses to Ice, Wind, Nuke, or Light. As for overall team composition, we have strong debuffing available, a fine selection of primary damage-dealing characters, but no buffer. Radcliff is our resident Mediarahan spammer, (our only one, which is probably fine?) and if Flint dies no one else can revive unless we've got revival beads lying around. We could buff Radcliff and by extension Flint so that both can both heal and revive, or we could have someone pick up tertiary healing for Recarm, or Diarahan for that matter.