[@Archazen] sent me an application via PM and was approved. Here are your results in the Great Game of Knowledge. Add this to the bottom of your CS and post it in the Characters tab. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3pJdqbs.png[/img][/center] The cards tell a tale of a young man bound on a long and winding journey. Tossed by the winds of chance, in a world that seemed more cruel than indifferent, he never received that chance miraculous aid which might have set his heart towards heaven -- nor would he. That was not his fate - your fate, boy. You have been given few blessings in this life, apart from your cautious insight and calculating mind. Whether one such as you can succeed seems a matter of chance, but I advise you that boldness is auspicious for one who has few advantages. Cards: The Black Moon, -hidden-, The Wheel of Fortune, Eve (reversed), The Cabalist (reversed), the Monk, -hidden- Finished Stats: 12 Strength 13 Perception 12 Skill 10 General Knowledge 16 Rationality 5 Spirituality ---- [@BurningCold][@baraquiel][@PatientBean][@ChronicleMan] I'm going to go ahead and get the IC started later today. The accepted characters and myself will get the ball rolling on our story. But I'd still be happy to have a few more players. So if you're still interested, just get in touch or post a character profile here and you can jump in with us!