[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/2S3gNgPd/Shuuko-Banner.png[/img][/center] The hug helped. Though Sylvia did not notice it, the heartbeat that had hammered away at her chest started to lessen in Roche's presence, maybe because they had spent so much time together. Really, she could not even count how many nights they sat by each other or just talked, with her stumbling over her words while Roche listened patiently. Then the roles would reverse. She even started to be decent at conversation herself, or at least she hoped so. Clinging to these moments just as strongly as she clung to her blushing, flustered body pillow, the protector relaxed moment by moment. She still kept watch on Tsubomi with half an eye, wondering what horrors she could unleash on her or the rest of Shuuko, but at least she did not tremble like a leaf anymore. And no, she did not feel embarrassed by Roche's caresses. If anything, they made her more comfortable in the embrace they shared, warmth freely flowing between the two of them. But speaking of others... whatever happened to Suki and why did Evil Eye leave like that? Nobody said anything offensive or hurtful, in fact, they were trying to cheer up Roche. Indeed, it did not even occur to her that others may have been feeling left out, or upset because of how she behaved, the closeness shared with Roche easily mistaken as something else to outsiders. Maybe even to Roche. [color=teal]"Y-yeah,"[/color] she responded shakily to Roche. [color=teal]"I'm here too, especially if you need a meal!"[/color] Now if only Ember would tell her why she palmed her face in their mental space. Sylvia had not said anything wrong, had she? She turned out to be a decent cook and she had to repay Roche for all the time they spent together somehow, not to mention that Roche always enjoyed Sylvia's cooking. Therefore, reminding Roche that she could count on Sylvia for her cooking would surely reassure the Rulekeeper or at least give her something to look forward to.