[quote=@OliveYou] Great! For the character section, my guy's name Eikichi ^^ [/quote] Ah, yeah, it goes without saying that we can edit names and relation details in as we iron things out. Speaking of which, for an added detail, the meeting circumstance I had in mind for the whole childhood friends bit is that Suzuka's single dad was probably a bit of an absentee parent out of necessity, working tons of hours to keep food on the table and such, and so there were a lot of nights when he couldn't come home from work and she thus ended up staying over with the family next door, and ended up befriending their son in the process. More or less did everything together, partly because she felt at home there and partly just because very few of her other classmates could stand her, since she's a [i]terrible[/i] conversationalist and the epitome of awkward. Had to move away and stay with her grandparents during middle school though, since her dad's job transferred him overseas, so she ended up vanishing for like three or four years before abruptly transferring back in first or second year of high school after getting permission to live mostly on her own. Sorta tries to pick things up where they left off, but isn't really sure how welcome she is or if they're still friends and all that. The classic reunion, basically. Do you think that sort of history between them would work with Eikichi's background?