We could do a volleyball tournament. There is: Asterion Kairo Matthias FitzClarence ISABELLA "BELLA" DELACROIX ADEL DAWSON Webb Harriet Talon The Doctor Leon "Leo" MacAoidh Emily Newport Khor Kosavić We could do teams of 5. Everyone gets a number. Whoever starts it can be 1 and everyone else gets a number. Then you can roll dice, if your character gets 10-20, they hit. If they get 9 or below. They miss the ball. If they hit it, flip a coin to see if they hit it to the other side or not. Either way it goes, they roll a dice of d6. If it lands on a number that a character has, then that character has a chance to hit the ball. And the first team to get 21+ points wins! That's just my idea for today.