[hider=You Have No Name]You are free to format and beautify this however you wish. [image of your character] [u]Age of Death:[/u] — [b]Number[/b] [u]Gender:[/u] — [b]If applicable[/b] [u]Race:[/u] — [b]Not restricted to this world[/b] [u]Psychology:[/u] — [b]Personality traits and quirks[/b] [i]⑇⑉What You Remember⑉⑈[/i] [sup][Name of Memory][/sup] [b]In detail, what does this memory teach your character about themselves, and below in the bullets list what skills these are expressed as. Players will begin with one memory, and as they progress they will accumulate more. ⑴ Skill description here. ⑵ Skill description here.[/b] [i]⑇⑉What You [s]Don’t[/s] ⑉⑈[/i] [sup][Dying Wish/or Grudge][/sup] [b]Describe the event in which your character died in their previous life, the circumstances around it and why with their dying breath, their thoughts and feelings reached the being that reincarnated them in this hellish world. This information will be withheld from your character for some time, but it is necessary to paint the full portrait of your character.[/b] [/hider] Still unsure if this will be the finalized character sheet, but for the 3-4 interested this might give a better idea on what we’re shooting for with character concepts.