[center][color=#FF0000]"[/color][color=#FF2B00]I[/color] [color=#FF8300]t[/color][color=#FFAE00]h[/color][color=#FFDA00]i[/color][color=#F7FF00]n[/color][color=#CBFF00]k[/color] [color=#74FF00]w[/color][color=#48FF00]e[/color] [color=#00FF0E]s[/color][color=#00FF3A]h[/color][color=#00FF66]o[/color][color=#00FF91]u[/color][color=#00FFBD]l[/color][color=#00FFE9]d[/color] [color=#00BDFF]w[/color][color=#0091FF]r[/color][color=#0065FF]i[/color][color=#003AFF]t[/color][color=#000EFF]e[/color] [color=#4800FF]a[/color] [color=#A000FF]l[/color][color=#CC00FF]e[/color][color=#F700FF]t[/color][color=#FF00DA]t[/color][color=#FF00AE]e[/color][color=#FF0083]r[/color][color=#FF0057].[/color][color=#FF002B]"[/color] [url=https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxLnN7dnIePVBa88Uy9FMaq0MRt1YBQ5PS?si=y5s32yB9CYm7JExF][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0021ae3b-c572-4185-bead-f8dcdd12470c.png[/img][/url] [color=#FF0000]F[/color][color=#00FEFF].[/color][/center][hr] Tsubomi's hand reached out to grab Suki's, but her usual speed meant that she was too slow, Suki had already left. It fell faster than it has moved upwards to slump at her side once more. Her head slumped as well, tilting to the side. [color=00aeef][i]Smoking is bad for you...[/i][/color] [color=0072bc]"Yes, she knows that already."[/color] Oh, good. Good that she knew, good that she was putting on clean underwear, "good" that Acid Drop could read her thoughts. [color=0072bc]"Of course I can, I'm stuck in the same skull as you."[/color] Mm... Roche wanted them to stay in pairs, but wouldn't chasing after Suki make things worse, somehow? Besides, she couldn't catch up when the smoker had gotten such a big head-start. Kiyo soon left as well, smelling of awkwardness and... depression? It was subtle, and hard to tell, mixed in with a few other emotions to the point that Tsubomi couldn't pick them out without too much effort to be worth it. At least Nyxia was feeling something other than rage and disgust, for once. Though why, Tsubommi didn't know. And the final girl in the club-room... Something had happened it seemed. Another mess of tangled feelings that were too convoluted to tear apart under a microscope. If Kiyo was a salad, Shuuko was ramen. Too many cooks in the noodles. And so Tsubomi stood at her usual speed, waved to the huddling girls, and started on her way home.