[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,051 [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 89/90 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 91/90 [h3]The Final Hollow - Aftermath[/h3][/center] Roxas watched for a moment while the Guardian finally fell. But his attention was then shifted to focus on D. His MP was back, so he could maybe try to take the fight back to the vampiric Consul. But then D just… left. He gave a short speech about how they’d meet again before retreating from the Qliphoth. The Seekers won. And yet, it didn’t feel like much of a win. Between those they almost lost, and the ones they actually did lose? The victory was hollow, at best. [color=gold]”Goldlewis… Midna…”[/color] The Nobody whispered to himself. This wasn’t the first time he had to watch friends be taken. But that didn’t make it any less painful by a longshot. Roxas was quick to offer his Curaga to as many as he could who needed it. And that included himself. Other than that, he didn’t want to stay in this Hollow any longer than he had to. And so when the Fultons were finally offered, Roxas was quick to take one for himself. He - and everyone else he suspected - were going to need time to rest and process all of this. [center][h3]The Avenger[/h3][/center] When he came to, Roxas looked around the hangar briefly. No one was really celebrating. And that was no surprise. Most seemed to be interested in getting some food in their systems. And Roxas could probably stand to do the same. But not yet. He had his own thing to do first. After a quick shared glance with Zenkichi and Sandalphon, Roxas walked toward the lift that would take him up to where the personal quarters all were. He looked for the room that Zenkichi told him to find, and once he had found it? Roxas approached the door and gently knocked on it. [color=gold]”Akane, are you there? It’s Roxas.”[/color] Before anyone even answered, The Nobody could already hear Scamp inside giving his usual excited ‘bow-wark’. That finally got Roxas to smile again. “Oh! Right! It’s open, come on in!” called a girl’s voice from inside - Akane’s. After the door opened, Roxas couldn’t even walk two steps inside without getting pounced on by Scamp, who was barking and licking his face excitedly. [color=gold]”Ah, hey! I missed you, too, buddy!”[/color] Roxas exclaimed in between laughs and attempts to wrestle the Yamper off of him. But Scamp wasn’t alone. Titan was nearby, though not as energetic - it still looked happy to see its Trainer. [color=gold]”Hey, Titan!”[/color] Roxas greeted, bumping his fist with the Golett’s. Then he looked at Akane. [color=gold]”I hope these guys behaved themselves and didn’t give you too much trouble?”[/color] Akane laughed with a shrug, “Oh, they were fine. Titan mostly just chilled, and Scamp spent a lot of the time playing with Maru.” She said, “Roxas, you said? You… you’re the one who got Galeem out of my head, aren’t you?” Roxas blinked, [color=gold]”I am?”[/color] He asked before recalling a second later, [color=gold]”Oh, that [i]was[/i] me, wasn’t it?”[/color] “Duh.” Akane said in a teasing tone, “My dad held onto me while you did that thing with your weapon.” [color=gold]”Heh, sorry.”[/color] Roxas said, rubbing the back of his neck. [color=gold]”Feels like forever ago, so I must have forgotten temporarily. Hope that process wasn’t too unpleasant for you.”[/color] “Nah, I’m over it.” Akane said, then her eyes sparkled a bit when she spotted the silvery jackal mask hanging off of Roxas’ hip, “Omigosh, that mask! Are you one of the Phantom Thieves? They’re so cool!” [color=gold]”What?”[/color] Roxas asked, surprised. [color=gold]”N-No, I’m not-”[/color] “Whaddya mean, ‘you’re not’?” Akane demanded, “You’ve got a mask like they do. You’re the same age. You’ve got a cool weapon and abilities. Are you [i]sure[/i] you’re not one of them?” [color=gold]”I’m positive.”[/color] Roxas said in an apologetic, [color=gold]”Sorry to disappoint you.”[/color] Akane puffed her cheeks out in frustration, “Aw, man, and I thought I finally got to meet one of them!” she huffed, but calmed down a bit a moment later. “Still, even if you’re not a Phantom Thief, you’re pretty similar, you know. Hey, maybe they’d let you join them!” [color=gold]”I kinda doubt that.”[/color] Roxas said with a chuckle, [color=gold]”Say, what happened to Shocker? I don’t see him around.”[/color] “Oh, you mean your ghost pet?” Akane asked, “He should be here somewhere.” [color=gold]”Come on, Shocker, stop hiding now. I’m back!”[/color] Roxas called out. This got the playful ghost Pokemon to come out of hiding. But he [url=http://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tofrugs-swamp/images/9/9f/Rotom-Frost.png/revision/latest?cb=20220828210528]didn’t look the same[/url]. No longer did Shocker look like a floating desk fan. Now he looked like a floating mini-fridge with a light purple aura. [color=gold]”Huh? What happened?”[/color] “Oh, right, I forgot to tell you-” Akane said sheepishly, “We were getting a snack earlier when Shocker decided he wanted to play a little hide-and-seek and… he turned into this after he hid inside the refrigerator.” [color=gold]”In other words, he possessed a different appliance and it changed his form.”[/color] Roxas said with a nod of understanding, [color=gold]”He can change forms and abilities based on what appliance he possesses. So I guess hiding in that refrigerator changed him into this form.”[/color] “You gonna try and get him to change back?” Akane asked curiously. [color=gold]”Nah.”[/color] Roxas said, [color=gold]”I’m curious to see what this form can do.”[/color] “By the way…” Akane said, “...did… my dad make it back?” [color=gold]”Yeah, don’t worry about that.”[/color] Roxas assured her, [color=gold]”I think I saw him heading somewhere to get food or a drink. He’ll be back up soon, I bet.”[/color] Roxas exhaled and looked away for a moment. “Did… something happen down there?” [color=gold]”Well…”[/color] Roxas started to explain, but stopped himself. [color=gold]”It’s probably better to let your dad be the one to tell you.”[/color] He said vaguely. [color=gold]”Um, thanks for looking after my Pokemon for me, Akane. Maybe we could… hang out properly some time?”[/color] “Sure, I don’t see why not.” Akane said, though she noted the dodgy nature of his earlier answer. “Your Pokemon make good company for Maru.” [color=gold]”Yeah,”[/color] Roxas said, [color=gold]”they do, don’t they? I’ll see you around then.”[/color] He offered a short wave before leaving with his Pokemon in tow. “See you around, Roxas!” He heard Akane call after him as he made way elsewhere on the Avenger.