[center][h1][color=fff200]Fireteam Anvil[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=ec008c]Samantha "Chaos" Dalton[/color][/h2] [/center] [center][h2] Advance And Secure [/h2][/center] [center][h2] 0635 Hours [/h2][/center] Samantha had been giving Chuck a bad time as she took all the soldiers she ran into as she regrouped with the two heavies on her team. Adam’s voice came over the comms. [color=f7941d]Adam: "We have them running. Team, we need to get onto the checkpoint, and regroup with Hammer." [/color] Samantha keyed her comms. [color=ec008c]“Chaos Affirms orders to regroup at checkpoint.” [/color] About that time, Bob’s mechanical voice chimed in [color=ed145b]“There are two helicopters inbound towards team Hammer’s location.”[/color] Samantha looked at the two helicopters she would have to trust Jamie and the team on the blimp to handle them. She was worried though when she heard who was on those blimps. They couldn’t seem to kill Ingwe and Laura. They kept showing up like bad pennies. Samantha had her hands full in the immediate area. [color=f7941d]Adam: "Boomer, cover our rear, and stop anyone who thinks it's a good idea to come after us. Scion, good to have you on ground, you and Frigga, disengage and follow Chaos. That big mech can help us break through the remaining security infrastructure where Hammer are holed up to get us ready for the final assault, and smash the counterattack coming their way."[/color] There was a pause before Adam continued. [color=f7941d]Adam: "All you, Chaos. Eyes open for aerial threats, those Wildcats are carrying a lot of munitions, and there's plenty more armour between us and them. Rain hell, I'll keep any RPG threats off you, but keep running and don't stop!" [/color] Samantha keyed her comms. [color=ec008c]“Wilk, the rig we dropped in may still be usable. It was left parked behind the mech bay. If you want a ride, Frigga and Boomer could post up in the back and use it as a mobile attack platform. I can move the mech faster. I have been trying to wipe out as many as I can. Chaos copies orders heading towards team Hammer.” [/color] Samantha had just turned and started heading towards the command center when Bob’s mechanical voice cut in once more. [color=ed145b]Bob: “Chaos, I have been monitoring Raven comms. Viper and Archer are in trouble. One of her beacon’s just went live.”[/color] Samantha didn’t hesitate; she sent one of the smaller missiles on the mech off towards the beacon. [color=ec008c]“Archer this is Chaos, the arrow is on the way.”[/color] Samantha figured that Archer would figure out what that meant. Samantha had her orders and now she knew that the lights were in trouble. They were on the way right? She stopped and turned back towards the rear. She had thinned out their numbers but there was still a sea of soldiers coming towards them. [color=ec008c]Samantha: “Wilk, I need to thin out our pursuers first. Give me a minute or two.”[/color] Samantha: "Bob send firing coordinates to our support ship in the Indian Sea. Give them intercept coordinates to take out the fleeing PLA. Route it through Victor if you need to." The more she took out now the less they would face later. She needed them to make them run. She flat out used everything on her mech. She rolled over soldiers. She used the arms to knock them out of her way. She opened up with the mini guns mowing them down like wheat. She used all the grenades and missiles she had. She kept firing until everything clicked empty. Her ammo carried out into the mobs of soldiers in the back. She placed them up and down the line, staggering the destruction taking out huge swathes of the PLA army. Finally the remaining soldiers were fleeing away from them, the compound, and the barracks. They were trying to flee the area. That was what they had needed. Samantha took a moment to stop and replenish her ammo. She had dropped a stash of ammunition for the mech outside the hanger before she blew it up. [i]What do you know the CAV was still there. [/i] [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Wilk your ride is still here. It was worth the time that took. I have the PLA here routed. Now let’s make tracks and book it towards Hammer and Shadow.” [/color] She stopped and reloaded quickly before she began to run towards the compound. She took a drink of water before climbing back into the freshly armed mech. She began to move the mech faster. She felt like Optimus Prime running towards the battle and had to smile as that old classic cartoon favorite of hers from her childhood brought her father to mind. They had always watched those old cartoons together. They had been ancient and didn’t make any sense being a fantasy but it was one of the few whimsical things she remembered from her childhood. She could get behind the idea that she was a mechanical knight seeking justice for all and a protector for the weak. She grinned as she ran down towards the main compound. Riding in the mech was noisy and it was jarring as she ran. It was not like riding in a vehicle. It didn’t really have shocks. She would have to design her own mech one day. Maybe she could do a better job of designing one. She was ready to rain more hellfire down on their opponents. They had a small space of breathing room before the PLA regrouped and hounded them all the way back towards their teammates.