[hider=Pilka] [center] [h1][color=C8A2C8]Pilka[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5d/4a/29/5d4a29844fd197a1973812118fa9cb57.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] [color=C8A2C8]Age[/color] Late 40s [color=C8A2C8]Physical Description[/color] Pilka has a naturally muscular build, he grew up in Khia working in the mines as one of the orphan children about 30-ish years ago before child labor laws started appearing. By the time these laws were becoming foundational parts of society, he was being kicked out of society, because of his graying skin (darkened with age), silver-white hair, and his eyes appeared blind though he could see. He was classified as a burrower and dweller. He stands around 6'1-6'2 and weighs about 170 lbs. He is on the skinnier side of life when it comes to his height and weight ration and because of his age, he has some of that loose wrinkly skin around certain parts of his body: face, underarms, stomach, etc... He is in decent condition health wise and is one of the older known burrowers/dwellers. [color=C8A2C8]Abilities[/color] This is where Pikla was scientifically classified as a dweller and burrower and kicked out of the civilized world of Dominion. [b]Heightened Light sensitivity[/b] he was not able to integrate into society because of all the artificial lights. Flashlights feel like his worst enemies at times. Bio-luminescent light does not bother him. However, unnatural or extremely natural bright lights can cause headaches, eye pain, tension in the face, and other symptoms. [b]Nocturnal Perception[/b] he can see in low to deep darkness way better than a lot of other people. This allows him to move easily throughout the tunnels and caverns of the underground world. [b]Unique color perception[/b] because of the genetic makeup of his eyes, Pilka only sees in shades of grey with the exception of orange and reds, oranges and reds allow him to visualize the heat of what he is staring at (how hot a surface or someone is), the darker the orange the colder and the brighter the red the hotter. This allows him to see changes in heat and light patterns. Along with being able to detect movement in darkness quicker. [b]Enhanced hearing[/b] like many other dwellers and burrowers, Pilka is sensitive to vibrations and echoes, where he can detect the true path of where they come from. Allowing for better nagivation. [b]Touch sensitivity[/b] something that Pilka has is touch sensitivity where his fingertips feel more textures and surface types than regular humans. This allows him to be able to detect different formations in rocks and it allows him to climb walls easier. [b]Longer and skinnier fingers[/b] allows him to be able to climb easier as well. Being able to grip awkward rock structures that regulars could not. [color=C8A2C8]Status[/color] Pilka would be described as a hermit nomad that has a home base and socializes with other dwellers, burrowers, and he is known to be friendly to civilized individuals as well. [color=C8A2C8][b]Backstory[/b][/color] [indent] Pilka was found on an orphanage step in the Khia sector of Dominion and he was classified as a human when he was a baby. There were no signs of difference. However, as he grew, the keepers of the orphanage began to notice little differences that came with age: the white-silver hair, his blind appearance, and how he was able to climb and grip way better than other children. Without much knowledge, they kept pushing such subtle traits off, and at the age of nine, he was sent to the mines of Khia to work. As a child, he was gaining a basic education from the orphanage along with working in the mines of Khia as a lantern and hauler boy. After a few years, he became a digger, and was helping extract the minerals and ores out of the earth. Working for the mines and staying at the orphanage was a pretty decent deal since he had shelter and food. However, that all changed around the age of 13-14 when laws were becoming more present and the government began to regulate humans as different species. They were beginning to do tests. Weed out the "different" individuals from society. When it was time for everyone in his orphanage to be examined, you would know if you passed the tests or not, since you would have a day to pack your things and get out, or you would be given a citizenship card of Dominion. Pilka found himself being sternly and respectfully told that he was not welcomed in society because of his physical traits and the genetic abilities that they discovered. He understood. He was not human though it made him sad that he had to go. It was the first time he cried in his life and he didn't know why. Pilka thinks its because he wanted to help repay back the kindness the aunts and uncles showed him at the orphanage, maybe having to leave all his siblings, or the fear of the unknown. Knowing and experiencing the dangerous creatures of the caverns and mines. Without much fuss, the next morning, he left the sectors of Dominion, and started his journey in the caves. In the beginning, it was rough, he didn't know what was edible or what would kill him, he had no help, the water in the cave system made his stomach ache and cramp, and everything kept getting worse. He didn't know if it was a few hours or a week, but he ended up getting so physically and emotionally exhausted that he laid down on a cold surface and accepted his fate. Surprisingly, he woke up. Pilka woke up with plenty of demon-like eyes staring at him and people... he thought they were people at least. Chattering and chittering in a language he didn't know. That was when one of them, looking more human-like, smiled, and asked "Who are you?" before he answered his name, "Pilka," and they talked. They talked for awhile and she explained that the scout team found him and brought him back. That they understood orphans and others were being kicked out of civilization, she was one of them, but she had been kicked out a year prior because she worked in a government position. Her name was Adis Lakken. Adis Lakken was the primary caretaker of Pilka during this time, teaching him what was edible, where to drink, how to spot safe drinking water, how to climb, and how to chat with the others who looked less human than they did. The individuals he was with teased him and made life a little difficult and he didn't know if it was because he was different or they were making sure he could live. However, a lot of lessons hurt though he felt like he learned a lot. The language that Pilka was taught, at least what Adis called it, was "Inian" and was a derivative of the Iezian language that was more prominent among the individuals that live outside of the city but live in little communities that are civilized in their own ways. [/indent] [/color] [/hider]