[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZRoLl9Y.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250116/e49d56457884bbb28a864c7f292c3897.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] For long minutes, as each member of their group fell into line and trailed into the tunnels revealed to them in their pardon, the sounds were of soft chatter, and of walking... And walking. And walking some more. The sounds of feet both booted and bare, and of clawed paws in one case, echoing through the long dark. For Kiffar, the blinding mage light cast by Verinric was of little concern- his bulk, shoulders and head brushing the ceiling and walls of the tunnel, blocked it from extending forward in more than ribbons that slipped around his arms and sides. He needed only march along in relative darkness, following the tunnel by feel and hoping quietly that he did not discover any low points with his face before his whiskers. [color=f7941d]"Kiffar's claws are always sharp, Elfling. He will be just fine to shred anything that comes while the man-things and elf-things are without their little weapons, worry not."[/color] It was perhaps half way to the end of this first tunnel, however, that a problem arose. So much movement in a place long undisturbed was bound to kick up dust in abundance, and with Kiffar practically scraping it from the path as he went, he had no way of avoiding it. He paused at the fore, perhaps long enough for others to run into each other, crowding in his wake- and before the Blades might threaten him to keep moving, loosed an explosive sneeze. I'm tight confines, the sound was louder than it had any right to be, echoing ahead and behind forcefully enough to leave the more sensitive listeners in their group cringing for it. [color=f7941d]"Ahh-- Excuse Kiffar, this place i-- i--"[/color] Another blast of a sneeze, as he resumed his walk, stumbling now and then with another. It was going to be a long trek... [color=f7941d]"Is very dusty, yes?"[/color] Blessedly, the vast felines allergies, and the aural suffering it brought to his new fellows, were not destined to last forever. Within a few minutes more, dim light began to creep in around the gaps between Kiffar and the walls, making the mage light just a touch less necessary, bit by bit, until at last Kiffar swept out of the passage into the large chamber beyond it, letting the light through unfiltered. He brought half the dust and cobwebs in the tunnel out with him, a cloud by the entrance that would take time to settle, and one he was quick to step out of with one last violent sneeze. Standing out of the way to let the rest emerge, Kiffar peered around with an indignant snorfling, rubbing the back of his hand against his nose, dangerous fangs bared in a grimace as if he might start up again. It would probably be best to give him a little space. [color=f7941d]"Grah- Kiffar has decided he does not like small tunnels. Mane-Of-Men should have his clean-makers clean them better, yes? Rescues and escapes should not be noisy with the sneeze-making. Dangerous to let the sneakers and plotters know that Kiffar is coming, or they may hide in nooks he will not fit in. Kiffar cannot do violence where he does not fit."[/color] Funny, that the thought of something [b]not[/b] running and hiding from him never seemed to occur to him. He watched the rest pour from the tunnel with that half grimace of a smile, toothy as it was goofy, tail swaying lazily. So far as he was concerned, he was simply out for a stroll, waiting to be told where to go next.