[img]https://i.imgur.com/8mKDpEy.png[/img] [hr] As Haruna ate her cup ramen in her little corner, having a moment of (what she considered to be) selfish peace she rarely afforded herself, something pulled at her awareness. It took a few moments for her to even realize something was off, like a whiff of sulfur in otherwise clear air. Her eyes darted up despite the weight carried beneath them, her back straightened out of her customary slouch. Most of the desires she sensed through the day were fairly banal: a wish for class to be over, a want for lunch, a prayer for minimal homework. This familiar-feeling void, however, was something that actually needed her attention. The transfer student stood hurriedly from her seat, nearly tripping over herself in her rush. She pulled the cord connecting her headphones to the cell in her pocket, abruptly cutting off the wall of sound separating her from the school. Haruna's headphones slid off her head to rest around her neck as she stepped forward, briefly glancing around her surroundings until she could match the desires to the body they inhabited. Another girl, achingly slowly settling into a seat from a third, neither of which she recognized (not that this was a surprise.) It took until she'd moved four steps for Haruna to realize a detail she hadn't picked up on before. The desire she'd felt wasn't crystal clear at all; it was strange that she could recognize that self-destructive urge so clearly in the first place. She hadn't noticed the dark fog muffling it, much as it was currently doing to the wants of the girl she sat across from. [color=fff79a][i]Too late to turn back now.[/i][/color] Haruna should have realized earlier; this was why she came to Hibusa in the first place, after all. Continuing forward with trepidation, she walked until she was in the slow girl's sightline. [color=fff79a]"Um, sorry if this is out of nowhere or something, but. . . are you okay?"[/color] Her voice came out laced with equal parts hesitance and concern as she spoke to what she had now realized was an untransformed magical girl. [color=fff79a]"You just, um, seemed like you weren't doing very good. I guess. Not to try to insult you or anything, I just wanted to see if I could help?"[/color] She glanced at the girl's table-mate, expecting a look of irritation or anger at her intrusion and the potential implications thereof.