Character Creation: Name: Issiah Hayes Age: 21 Background: Isaiah was one to struggle with a complexity of hardships in the past…. She had a LOT of interests, such as decorating her room, writing, talking to her parents…. Etc. But most of all – she enjoyed the freewill of drawing when she was stressed. However, as any story would go… UGHHHH!-- Gh… Uhm— PEOPLE… made it hard for her to think straight during her school years… It was honestly pretty reckless – and it grew on her for adulthood. Really, they would always just shout in her face, reminding her she was “good for nobody”, or how she would “never make friends”, or how she was “different” – Man, it was most likely simply for the way she acted… She was – and STILL IS incredibly silly and sarcastic. Isaiah would always use humor to her advantage, and she always tried to share her quirks to those around her, but she was either disregarded or beat down about her attempts. It made her incredibly closed off overtime… and It turned her into an impulsive FREAK… She would fight back aggressively at those who made fun of her, which made those who DID care more avoidant around her. A time that can describe her anger was… well… “I regret what I did… I WANT TO GO BACK!…” Isaiah would slam her fist against the walls of her room, her sobs making her face look all puffy, red, and ugly. Well… Let's remove that SOB for a bit…. When she DID get time alone, typically in the depths of her room, isolated …. alone, she would let her creativity flow onto paper, drawing her favorite and classical tv characters, and sometimes even original characters. She would always come with the most wacky ideas, too, when it comes to original stuff… She remembered when someone threatened to look within her journal, she rushed into her science class during recess, yelping in terror and grabbing her teacher's “solution” to mush it up into little bits… Note that day, it didn't just destroy her inner emotions, it destroyed some of the table too. Her personality may not be one to like by others… but she tried her best, and did what she could to cope through the hard times. The only person who appreciated her efforts was someone named Derrick: An energetic, extroverted, but empathetic human-being! He would sneak into her room through the window sometimes, and would let Isaiah ramble on about her ideas and stories she created! They remained best of friends, and they were all ready to go to college together by the time they were 21 (Issiah) and 22 (Derrick). That was until… IT went down…. Issiah hid herself in her room as always when she first heard about it, but Derick wouldn't let her go down alone… “Look, please smile for me… I know down there is pain, but I want to see you smile at least once…” Derrick opened Issiahs window one morning (before everything collapsed), his breath shaky, due to his own fear, but also paranoia for Issiah’s wellbeing… It made Issiah feel better… Until… HE stopped showing up… And Issiah lost mostly everything... Issiah thought like her world was falling apart at that very moment… Personality: *Her ACTUAL personality is mainly sarcastic, witty, creative and imaginative, empathetic, impulsive and quick to anger (when feeling threatened or upset), defensive and guarded (keeps people at a distance to avoid being hurt), loyal and caring (when she opens up), self critical and insecure. MORE -------------- *Isaiah works well with CREATIVITY. *If Issiah was put into the spot as a LEADER, she would be anxious, but would be sure to be fair and create her own rules. *Issiah is INTROVERTED *Issiah CAN BE AVOIDANT at times. *Issiah is typically ANXIOUS with every decision, assuming the worst for anything! *Issiah FEARS being JUDGED the most. *Isaiah is MOTIVATED by rewards and the future, but unfortunately is EASILY PRESSURED. *Issiah is PASSIONATE about ANYTHING shes interested in (drawing, animals, nature, phycology, expanding her imagination) *Isaiah usually has a SHORT TEMPER, but does her best to resolve things once she realizes her mistakes, but if it's not totally revolving around her, she may stay out of it *With ANY EMOTION, Isaiah usually doesnt hide it unless she has a reason. *When Issiah is SAD, she acts almost DEPRESSED AND CRIES A LOT *When Issiah is MAD, she's often IMPULSIVE *When Issiah is HAPPY, she is usually pretty (but not too much) CHEERFUL AND LIGHTHEARTED *When Issiah is EMBARRASSED, she's very SHY AND TENSE Skills: Creativity (could work with map making, descions, etc), Critical with decisions too when she actually lets go of her fear, Pretty strong due to her anger Equipment: She has a backpack, with some snacks (unfortunately not food -- but from before everything went down), and a baseball bat (from basic scavaenging after things got hectic). However, she unfortunately doesn't have a lot besides that... Motivations: Mainly just survival, played by her fear. Flaws: Fearful, Impulsive, Short-tempere