[right]A BigPapaBelial and KingKonrad collab[/right] [center][h3][i]And the Giants shall return to the Earth, and they will Walk, and the ground shall Shake[/i][/h3][/center] As the two Wildcat helicopters banked, they steered over the chaos behind them, dumping chaff to avoid missiles from mainly the mech, and any other fire, moving fast and dumping a ton of speed on the far side of the launch pad, flying past the Adrianne on the pad itself and the half-bunker, half headquarters of Vulpine Space, as well as their operational center that had been co-opted by Artemis. The choppers were going straight for the rocket store, a gigantic, almost 20 story tall building where rockets were housed prior to launch and now something else entirely had been. When the call came, there was hardly a surprise. Rushing to get here had been a problem, but for prize mercenaries, Artemis paid. And pay they did with something else Ingwe had gotten in the contract. A plus one for an off-planet escape, to return after the world ended….. Inside one of the choppers, Laura looked back at the chaos they’d been dropped into, dressed in a tight black pilot’s suit that formed the inner layer of her traditional THICC suit, revealing her hefty breasts and her Athena-rivalling rump. Laura was fat, unashamedly so, maybe more so than ever before even outside of her THICC suit. She was not aiming to be a model, she was aiming to be effective given the muscle behind it that those pesky Kaantario siblings managed to manage better than her and well, schnitzel, wurst and strudel with a lot of money had an effect on her. Not that it turned Ingwe off her, her new partner doing things to her that weren’t even legal in most countries. From her laced up boots to her thighs wrapped tight in the glove-like embrace of the suit that looked like they could crush a VW Beetle, along her trunk-like arms all the way to her neck on which an almost comically small head sat, there was something of a dominatrix about her, given away by her hazel-coloured hair in a braid and her sharp pink acetylene burn on her face. And well, rolling with Ingwe, it had been so easy to fall for him. She was addicted to him. Completely. When she laid eyes on him in that bar, hurt after Freya had pulled a number in him in Patagonia, Laura changed. Gone was any mission of her own. It was an instant connection, and well, he got lost in her too. Thoughts of Freya disappeared, because he was the only man in the world that made her feel like she was tiny. Of course, she was there to kill him at first, an easy job but…..of course, the B-Movie plot played itself when a pyromaniac German cast out from Raven’s main team started getting feelings for the African merc that treated her like the empress she thought she was. Freya was the only other that did that to her, and while nearly getting killed by her had brought back memories, maybe even almost regret...but well, Ingwe...Ingwe did something else. It might have felt like nearly getting killed, given he was pretty badly hurt by almost all of the Kaantario siblings now, but he still had his charm. And he dealt with her unhinged nature. A toxic match for two very unstable, powerful people. Stepping out off the side of the chopper, the Artemis mercs secured the area, and moved to open the doors of the gigantic warehouse, Laura positively dripping with a certain feel. This was not something typical- it was a final line of defense, something she hoped to play with at some point, but sooner had finally arrived. Looking to Ingwe, Laura wrapped up close against him, tangling herself close to his chest, rubbing hers against his. “This wasn’t how I expected to show you the treat that Rose promised. But it comes to this...the men have bought us time and Zhao trusts us to squish them. Glad that my ex didn’t go for the head on that geoengineering rig, so I could show you this myself, and her too. Maybe a treat before this little Garden of Eden we can come back to after we clear our path out, mein Schatz?” Laura pushed herself against him, rubbing his hand a little against her own rear. “She promised us a little power before we left. But I feel we should go show some now. We are better than them. Are you ready?” Laura excitedly spoke, crazy with love, and generally, the feeling of burning shit down. Ingwe played with the blade of his huge Iklwa spear, tucked to his chest. He had a limp, after that beating down in the South. His face was carved and cratered. It had been quite a beatdown. He should have died. If not for Artemis coming in, finding him on the brink and bringing him back. He’d been looking out into the field as they came in and had seen some of the enemy fighters. But it hadn’t been the time. They healed him, rebuilt his body where Raven had hit him hard. Now here he is with Laura. Oh a lot of the Heavies in the world know of Laura. She’s almost as famous as Athena, Freya and their mother Natalie. Standing side by side with other infamous mercs like Antoine and Svetlana. But Laura is something else. She had a way with words, and action. Even as she presses herself to his side. Ingwe responds, woodenly. He can sense that passion, but there is something else. He takes a breath and lets it hiss between his teeth. He turns to her, “Zhao and that Succubus and Artemis promised me a land of my own, to rebuild Africa after the world dies.” He hisses angrily, “But before then…I want them to burn. I want her to burn! Freya…Frigga.” He starts to shake with rage and anger, “I’ll watch her writhe in pain at my feet before the time to retreat and wait in safety comes.” He looks at her, “You were close with her weren’t you? Are you tainted by that snake woman’s charms too?” He grabs Laura by the cheek, and for a second he almost smacks her, but instead he steals a kiss, “Perhaps after all is done, we will have to see if we can’t wash that taint from you.” He lets her go then, “Yes we should go show them.” He steps forward, and the lights in the warehouse boomed on, revealing two large shapes within. He stretched his arms forth, “With these.” Mechs… And with it, into light came two twenty-five foot tall silhouettes that dominated the room. His and hers. And made to the way that Laura demanded it, and Ingwe too. Laura had forgotten just how deep the pockets of some people were, and when you wanted to be the elite, the top dog in the mercenary world, you paid eye-watering sums. There weren’t others like Laura and Ingwe, after all, the number of giants over seven foot that weren’t crippled were probably under two dozen. With no squad, no elite unit, not much but sheer bombast and power. And more than anything, they didn’t want money from Artemis, they would provide security for free, so long as they got that world. Ingwe had invited Laura into that world, it was why she was on that rig as the final protection point, and if she’d have gotten through her ex, her team wouldn’t have stood a chance. And she could think of nothing more hot than that. Ripping and tearing away, Laura’s boots clattering on concrete as her thighs shook like pistons and the suit squeaking as she moved due to just how tight and likely, how much she’d been treating herself and Ingwe while he was recovering. The lights flickered on across the side of the warehouse, no rocket here, but something with even more power as Laura looked to him, loving it when he got feisty with her. “Oh, you’ll get all the taint out of me, and so much more….relax, big boy. I’ll squish her like she’s never been squished. And Skye Lyons….oh, I’ll save her for you. I like it when you get angry. You’re so hot when you are.” Laura stuck out her tongue, cackling with laughter, watching what emerged in front of them come into full view. Laura craned her neck up at it, whistling at the sight of hers. Like someone had taken her THICC suit, and blown it up, to 25 feet. They had gotten all the proportions right, and walking around the back….Laura screamed like she had seen a ghost. “Mein gott!” Laura giggled, cackling with laughter, hearty and deep, unhinged even, as she ran back around it, yelling. “Ah, this will do, Ingwe! Zis will do!” She cackled, wooping, practically bouncing around, resting up against the gigantic mechanical leg. “She looks beautiful? Das UberTHICC…..I saw this in my dreams, and so it was given the codename. And look at it. So beautiful. The essence of me in….this. And look at yours too. After everything, we deserve it.” Laura whipped her hair, at this point, frankly more absorbed than Athena at this point in time, whistling at the last before turning back to her own. "It's...it's perfect, Ingwe," Laura breathed, turning to him with a wide grin. She walked over to Ingwe, her boots clattering on the concrete, and she laughed, a deep, throaty sound that echoed through the warehouse. Evil, pure, diabolical evil. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaving a biting kiss, before she pressed her lips to his again, a quick, fierce kiss that left him breathless. "We're going to be unstoppable," she whispered against his lips. "Just you and me, tearing through everything in our path. Fuck, this is the best day ever." She leaned out, with a wild, wild smile. "You know me, Ingwe. I do love playing with my toys." Laura stared with a fire of a thousand suns, breathless, completely overwhelmingly in burn. But she had to go back. Addict herself to this. In addition to its flamethrower nozzles, mounted on the arms, the mech was also armed with a pair of GAU-19 miniguns mounted on the sides of the mech onto tracked targets. The mech's right arm was equipped with a gigantic chainsaw poking beyond the hand, capable of ripping vehicles and other mechs with ease, the left with an electric smoke projector. And finally, the mech was equipped with its own mini missile system, on the right shoulder, built to eliminate aerial and counter rocket threats where the gigantic field generator didn’t. Laura's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in every detail of her new mech, the UberTHICC. She ran her gloved hands along the smooth, matte black metalicky rubber surface, feeling the power that hummed beneath her touch. She could already imagine the destruction it would wreak on the battlefield, and the thrill of piloting it sent a shiver down her spine. The mech's design was an evolution of Laura's THICC suit, with exaggerated proportions that accentuated her massive….chunk. From her large breasts to round, firm rear, perhaps though it was a little wider in proportions than herself in reality, the stability was perhaps a considered factor, plus carrying her weaponry type demanded it. Yet it was a statement. Instead of being built from traditional titanium and rare earth all over, it seemed to have a rubberised, anti-shock outer mixed in with reactive plating, given it relied heavily on a massive field generator on the back and frankly hummed with the stuff on the surface and with a variable-rate field that could repel bullets to artillery shells, wedged atop the gigantic thermite tanks that Laura’s special brew flamethrower fuel sat in that literally were the size of a small bus, each- hot enough to melt most shields, tanks and armour. But beneath that lay armour that provided main battle tank levels of protection, creating a chassis that otherwise was covered. Thruster jets, built around the underside gave her an ability to hop, not jump per se, but clear obstacles. The arms were equally imposing, with massive, heavily armored shoulders and biceps that bulged with raw power. The mech's head was a stylized version of Laura's own outline, with a pair of glowing blue eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness with a triangle-like glow. No reason, but just because it completed the look, given the rest of it felt like literally the suit Freya had smashed up replicated for many times XL. The legs were like Laura’s exactly the same but just to scale, the size of each “shoe” with a mechanical foot like the size of a car, with a sleek mechanism in each, the joints of the mech hidden sleekly, yet making the thing a hell of a bigger target than it needed to be, the stomach and chest the same, nothing spared. This wasn’t a mech, this was a statement, her own vanity, self obsession, and actually making it happen because she had the rights to it. It made her a bigger target, but she wanted to be. She wanted to be stupid. Dumb. And fuck whatever was said about practicality, she wanted it this way, and now she got it. The lady who was a middling engineer would work it out herself. She could already imagine the look on Freya's face when she saw it, when she realized that Laura was coming for her, and that this time, she was a hell of a lot bigger, looking back to Ingwe before finishing checks. “So, shall we take them for a test drive?” And with his response, Laura pulled away the large power cord attached to the gigantic hydrogen cells inside mounted where well, of course it was because she was as positively bonkers as she could be as she slid back down the rear of the leg a couple of feet after clambering to it, that motion boots lifting to reveal her rollerblades from earlier as the thing energised. Her realisation that a big lumbering pyro was an easy target, so of course, rollerblades it was. “Oh, you shouldn’t have Rose, it has wheels!” She exclaimed in the most German accent Ingwe had likely heard her make, as she clapped her hands in excitement. Laura heard another loud explosion from the other side, the Raven troops charging through the security checkpoint as she clambered up the ladder built into the mech's thigh. She hauled herself up, her muscles straining with the effort. She was barely fitting through the gap, straining and grunting, costing a valuable minute, but physically unable to move for a second until she used brute force to take her hips through with her massive arms. It was a tight gap, but she yanked herself in and pulled the entry shut, sitting inside a padded, luxurious chair with a camera setup. She slipped inside, the hatch sealing behind her with a hiss of pressurized air.Sliding her arms into the control mechanisms, her legs into the same as the sleek chair moulded into her and creaked in strain in the tight cockpit inside where her belly might be, she felt her legs tighten up into their clamped position, the mech following her movement, half standing but now interfaced.. Laura's fingers danced over the controls with her hands as the AR display popped out, her excitement palpable as she felt the mech's power course through her. The mech's systems came to life around her, the displays flickering to life, the hum of power filling her ears. She could feel the mech's movements, the way it shifted under her control, as if it was an extension of her own body. She looked out through the mech's eyes, the world outside reduced to a grid of targeting reticles and sensor readouts. She could see Ingwe's mech standing nearby, its systems also coming online. She could see the other mercs, moving around the warehouse, securing the area, most in dumbfounded shock. This had not been shown to them. It had barely been shown to anyone outside of Rose and Zhao. She could feel the anticipation building inside her, the excitement, the adrenaline. She was ready. She was more than ready. She was born for this. She turned to Ingwe, her voice filled with a fierce determination. "Not looking bad yourself, Ingwe. Let's go show them what we're made of. Let's go burn them to the ground." And with it, the suit stomped, then slid forward, as Laura cackled, her body shaking, trembling with power, and she felt like now, they could bring a hundred, a thousand, hundred thousand men, but she was going to rip through them like butter. As Laura went to her mech, Ingwe watched, his eyes burning is almost religious levels of fervor and rage. This is it, this is when he can get his payback against Raven, and Freya. And he understands the other Siblings and a few tawdry others with them. He and Laura could surely take them out, and then he could spend time skinning Freya like a hog. As Laura boarded up he walked over to his. It’s painted a brilliant crimson and yellow with streaks that make it look like black warpaint on its face plate and along its chest. Broad with several reactive plates all along it’s chest and cockpit, armored joints to make things a little harder on the enemy. He crawled up and into the cockpit, letting it shut, in casing him in darkness before systems started to come online, the interior lit in amber and blue, the outside cameras spun up and turned, a main camera set looking like five eyes set in a pyramid design lit up gold. After abit his radio turns on and he hears Laura, “This will be our magnum opus Laura. To get back at those who have hurt us. The way Raven and Freya has humiliated me, and the way she nearly killed you.” He sighs and manipulates the mech, picking up the Iklwa styled pile driver gun on his left side, and a massive shotgun in the other. A zulu style shield slides over his left arm, “May we fight well, and put and end to Raven yes? Let’s get moving Big Bertha, we have work to do. Today Shaka and Big Bertha walk together.” He keys into the base comms, “Open the bay doors, we’re leaving!” As the mech doors heave open again, Ingwe guides his mech out, onto the battlefield, “Come I’m called to slaughter.” His outside speaker switch on and he bellows, “Zulu! Zulu! Zulu!” as he walks forward in his mech. Laura smirked, looking across, bringing his cockpit camera into view onto hers. “I thought you would never ask.” Laura smirked, flicking the burners on, stomping out towards the doors, following behind Ingwe, the Zulu-incarnate that sat in his own mech. It was quite the spectacle, much like hers. But she would want it no other way. And so they marched the pair of them, a pair of titans to face titans. There would have to be a reckoning after this. Someone would die. Or not at all. Something would be decided when they met on the field though. Only a matter of time now.