I'm going to put [url=https://www.tumblr.com/oliveaffection/777753686496657408?source=share]this[/url] here... Also, a few questions. Heights, athletics, academics. Junko - 182, Eikichi - 180, Haru - ?, Suzuka - 170, Mikako - 152 cm. From most to least athletic - Junko, Suzuka, Eikichi, Mikako, Haru (?) From most to least academic - Mikako and Junko both seem to work hard at their studies, so they're probably up near the top. Eikichi's about average, could maybe do better if he applied himself more. No idea about Haru and Suzu. None of this is really important lol. I just like knowing it. Plus doodling and brainstorming helps me keep my interest.