When Luka made it back to his penthouse, he found only Montague waiting there for him. Jesse had to depart after receiving a call about some sort of fixer business that urgently required their attention. Before leaving though, Jesse had bade Montague make it abundantly clear to Luka that they would be speaking of what had happened at the diner when next they met. With that in mind, Luka immediately took a seat at his penthouse's dining room table and willed a pizza into existence. After all the excitement that he'd come from, Luka had worked up something of an appetite. An appetite much larger than Luka had expected, apparently. As by the time he had finished the pizza, his hunger had not abated. And so Luka willed a second pizza into being. "Young master?" A voice spoke up then in confusion and concern. Luka looked to see Montague watching him, obviously uneasy at the sight of Luka devouring a large pizza and then moving on to another. "The night's events have left me rather peckish." Luka explained. "...Ravenously so, it seems. Probably just a side effect of my newfound powers. Nothing you need worry yourself about, Montague." "If I may ask, young master, what are these newfound powers of yours?" Montague asked as Luka took a bite of pizza. "Whatever I want them to be." Luka declared after taking a moment to properly chew and swallow the chunk of pizza in his mouth. "I am now able to impose my wants upon reality. I need only will something be so and it will be so." "Imposing your... wants." Montague repeated. "Indeed." Luka confirmed. "Anything I desire is now little more than a thought away... You need not fear for your job security though. My power only has a reach of 15 feet, so I'll still be needing you for fetching things beyond my reach." With that said, Luka returned his focus to his pizza. A pizza that left him no closer to feeling full after finishing it than the first pizza did. And so Luka conjured up a third pizza. Then a fourth. Then a fifth. Then a sixth. But no matter how much he ate, Luka felt no less hungry. Luka moved to manifest a seventh pizza then, but Montague beat him to the punch, placing a pizza he had been preparing in the background for the past five pizzas. "Montague?" Luka asked in confusion at why the butler would bother doing this. "I have a theory." Was Montague's simple reply. Seeing no harm in humoring the help, Luka took up a slice and took a bite. It was the most delicious morsel Luka had tasted all month. Now don't get me wrong, the pizzas Luka had summoned were tasty too. But Montague's pizza blew them all out of the water in terms of taste. And on top of that, Luka found that his hunger was satisfied by the time he had finished his food. Luka looked to Montague then. His face a silent request for an explanation. "You said your powers let you impose your [i]wants[/i] upon reality, yes?" The butler answered the unspoken question. "...Oh of course these kinds of shenanigans would throw this in somewhere." Luka said, quickly catching on to the implication. "My powers allow me to bend reality however I want... [i]Only[/i] however I want. It will never give me what I need." "Just so, young master." Montague agreed. Luka looked up at his butler and smiled. "Well, Montague... you didn't need to worry about losing your job before. But now you can be certain." Montague smiled back at his charge. "My certainty didn't falter for even a moment to begin with, young master." [hider=OOC] Luka has a Tie Scene with Montague and develops his Tie. [center][b]1[/b] "[b]Montague[/b] is my most loyal servant." [b]1[/b] | V [b]2[/b] "[b]Montague[/b] is as wise as he is loyal." [b]2[/b][/center] [/hider]