[center][h1]Lieutenant Commander Johann "Rhino" Von Brandt[/h1][/center] [hr] Von Brandt had nothing else to add in over the comms as the rest of the pilots locked into the plates, instead taking the time to take slow, deep breaths to center himself before the drop. Even with plates, orbital drops in Secutor were always hard landings even under ideal circumstances, and given how well fortified the planet was, this was not ideal circumstances. As they prepared to launch, Rhino exhaled and finished sealing his suit for orbital entry. Command came over the comms, announcing the approval for the second wave to deploy, and Rhino focused as each member of the squad was sent hurtling out the short distance of zero g before the planet's gravity took over, and he began immediately fine tuning power distribution and his precise position as best he could as they began to descend. He could always gauge how taxing on the pilots a maneuver was by how much Rabbit was running her mouth, and the relative radio silence spoke volume than she usually did. With the temperature settling, came the inevitable anti-air and interceptor runs on the second wave of descending MAS units, the sound of flak and other incoming munitions rattling against both plate and frame a reminder they were dropping feet first into another hell. Suited him just fine, he thrived in the thick of it, though he didn't have much say in the situation as they dove steadily downwards, comms chatter was getting increasingly busy and one in particular ended up interrupting his train of thought. Some poor rookie got clipped and panicked, losing control and spiraling out of of formation, shedding weapons, armor, gear before someone on her squad cut her comms. Before he could catch himself, he found himself muttering over the squad comm as they continued to descend into fire and conflict. [color=lightblue]<>[/color] Rhino focused on the latter half of the descent, Rabbit jettisoning her drop plates and engaging flight form, heading off to intercept and treat the Garmr and Naginatas to their own personal hell of a MAS that could double as air superiority fighter. It reminded him that there was a lot of fancy tech in the team, though there was plenty of time for a wandering mind after the LZ was secured. Spotting the Sentries struggling to get to an AA installation, Rhino began adjusting his trajectory, narrowly avoiding a burst of heavy lasers that clipped the plates, damage mounting as he descended far faster than was safe for most MAS units to even consider. He also was not jettisoning the plates, the mounting damage visible from the cockpit as warning alarms on their condition began growing in number and volume. The shots aimed at Rabbit would buy him enough time to enact his plan, stating as much over comms. [color=lightblue]<>[/color] Engaging the thrusters [i]just[/i] enough to allow the Secutor to withstand the impact, he only disengaged the plates at the last possible second as he braced himself in the cockpit. Rhino came down directly on top of the anti air installation itself, crushing the weapon platform under every last ton of his Heavy MAS and what little the ruined plates added to that, sending up a massive plume of malfunctioning wiring, smoke, dust and the generator components for the heavy lasers going up from the impact as well, providing Rhino a temporary visual screen. He opened local UEE comms, pinpointing the Sentries pinned down by the Fenrir units that were now, at this moment, between a metaphorical rock, and a quite literal hard place, a confident smile on his face as the system reports showed nothing that couldn't be patched later. The servos were not too happy with the impact but hell, when were they ever? [color=lightblue]<>[/color] All the while, Rhino had swung up the Secutor's 170mm MAC-011, selecting one of the proximity fused HE shells he had loaded before they dropped. He was going to use them for anti air purposes, but he could spare one to make the Fenrir's lives a living hell for however long they were about to last. Temporarily shunting power from non essential motor functions, he finished the charge sequence and just as the dust was clearing, and one of the Fenrir units was turning to see what the hell just happened to the anti air they were supposed to be guarding, the computer reported full charge and targeting for the proximity fuse. With a squeeze, the MAC-011 shuddered, sending the 170mm shell hurtling straight into the ranks of the Fenrir's hardened position. It was well fortified against attack, but not from behind, and the massive explosion engulfed several of the hostile MAS units as Rhino slung the superheavy weapon, Vanguard 20mm lifting from its shoulder housing and immediately opening up on any hostile air targets that got too close to the Secutor, acting as an impromptu anti air weapon while the hum of the rotary autocannon spooling up was music to Rhino's ears. One Fenrir was reduced to scrap, the combination of explosion and pressure wave had not only damaged the unit beyond combat effectiveness but likely knocked out, or pulped, the pilot. The other two caught in the explosion itself were dazed and damaged, but had gotten their Shoulder shields in the way just in time. Suited him fine, as he leveled his 30mm and began walking fire across the Fenrir's as he advanced, chewing through damaged armor as he advanced slowly and implacably towards their position. The one Fenrir tried to get a Sledgehammer missile off, and caught the brunt of Rhino's opening 30mm barrage for his trouble. The other, several damaged weapon systems forcing his hand, sent him charging to try and gut the Secutor and its pilot with its Broadsword. A low sweep of 30mm took its legs out and sent it crashing down in front of Rhino, who raised his PG-01 plasma gauntlet that flared to life right before slamming down, coring the unlucky Coalition MAS in one solid blow. Keying to Squad comms, Rhino was pleasant in tone as he assessed damage down to the Sentries, already making ready to head for the next Anti-Air position to start cutting down on casualties before even touching down. [color=lightblue]<<7th, Rhino, first anti-air position down. Moving with allied elements to continue disabling anti-air capabilities for the LZ. Damage from landing negligeable.>>[/color]