[h2][color=Maroon]Krasimir[/color][/h2] * [@TokyoPewPew] [@Dyelli Beybi] "Sirrah, with respect if you had been in the field as we have you would understand the opportunity before us. The enemy is in disarray. The left hand does not know what the right is doing - but even now they are reestablishing their commands. Let us compromise in the name of brevity. Let the main army begin moving south, in accord with the Colonel's plan. Let Colonel Szaalm and his cavalry accompany us to the mine - we will move faster anyhow and it should be enough men anyhow. It shall be his command and his victory. If it is not as we say, the Colonel can call it off." Krasimir watched Colonel Szaalm intently with his dark eyes, before shifting abruptly to Lady Ariana. "What say you Your Grace?"