[hider=Kathy Simen] Name: Katherine "Kathy" Amilia Simen Age: 27 Occupation: Newspaper Reporter Appearance: Dark brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin. Kathy dresses in business casual, and if it is cool out wears a pea coat. She prefers slacks while out in town but will often wear a skirt if in the office. Her shoes tend to be dress boots with a slight heel, or kitty heels. She doesn't usually wear high heels unless she is dressing up for a special event. Personality: Tenacious, Pessimistic, Adaptable, Vindictive, Strong-willed, Opinionated Kathy has a strong sense of duty. She is determined. She doesn't write articles about crimes as she knows she would not be able to keep herself from writing her opinion. Kathy is active in the community, partially because of her writing and because she believes in duty to the community. She's just as likely to be volunteering somewhere as she is to be at an event for the paper. Background: Kathy's family has deep roots in Havenwood. They've been here since the town was founded. She was the only child of one of the town's cops. He was a single father. Her mother had left him when Kathy was still an infant. He had woken up one morning to Kathy's cries and his wife gone, bag packed, car missing. He spent some time looking for her but gave up when she sent a card with cash but nothing written on it. During college, Kathy and her father had a falling out, but by the time she graduated, they had figured out their relationship. They are now close to each other. She doesn't live with him but checks on him several times a week, especially since he retired. In college, Kathy studied Communications and Journalism. She's been working at the town newspaper since graduation. Kathy made her name by writing articles about local history. She would tie in current events, such as a centennial celebration, with historical facts. Her articles are interesting, and while her boss at first was hesitant, he now lets Kathy choose her topics. Currently, Kathy has a 'will they, won't they' relationship with the older brother of her high school best friend. He is one of the Librarians, and she often goes there to work on her articles. He doesn't think she'd like him that way, and she thinks he sees her as a little sister rather than anything more. The Touch: For years, Kathy sees a figure in the corner of her eye. She can never get the figure in view. Weaknesses: Her father, Gus, is older, and she cares for him a lot. This is both money, time, and emotional investment for her. Motivations: Kathy's strong sense of duty has kept her in Havenwood for her father and her job. She likes her job a lot and doesn't think she'd find one in a bigger city she likes more. [/hider]