[hider=Michael Huether] Name: Michael Huether Age: 36 Occupation: Furniture delivery/repair man. Appearance: Standing at 5'10 Michael can be considered somewhat heavy-set with a pot belly. Though the nature of his job gives him nice arms and legs. His hair is copper brown. His eyes a dark hazel. He has a red mustache/goatee that is beginning to have strands of white in it. If he is working. He is always wearing a black polo with his company's logo on it and black cargo pants. If he's off it usually tends to be a random T-shirt with funny sayings or pictures on it and faded camo cargo pants. He is also wearing blue light glasses to help him see. Personality: Michael is one to express confidence aloud in group settings but suffers from imposter syndrome when alone. He belittles himself a lot and never feels what he does is enough even when he is doing his best. While kind to others because he does not want people to feel the way he feels, he does not usually go out of his way to be friendly because he is introverted. Prefers to be alone, but because his job forces him to be with the public of Havenwood on a near daily basis he can fake being an extrovert for a bit. Is willing to take the lead in a situation if forced but would much rather be a follower. Background: Michael has been in Havenwood for about twelve years. He moved down here when his grandfather grew ill and could no longer work. So, he moved into his grandparents' large old house and has been helping them since. His grandfather died three years ago and now it is just him and his grandmother whose health is declining despite her smiles. The house is thankfully paid for but some of it is in disrepair due to financial struggles. Michael repairs what he can when funds come up though. It always feels like two steps back for every step forward. The Touch: Michael's grandfather Otto had always been a large bear of a man that worked for the Havenwood Lumber Company. Until he became unexpectedly sick. When Michael arrived, his grandfather had become a shell of man. Sickly thin with flaps of skin being the only evidence of all his muscles. His eyes forever twitching, searching for something he could not see. The night Otto died, he apologized to Michael but Michael didn't understand why he apologized. It was only after Otto breathed his last that Michael felt a strange heaviness descend upon him. It was like something was resting on his shoulders, but there was nothing he could do to remove this feeling. Checking in the mirror would come up with nothing strange. Now there are unexpected times where Michael could be alone in a room or in a crowded place and hear breathing behind his head but no one else seems to notice it. Occasionally if he is moving deep in thought, he will find himself heading to strange places and have to stop and move back to where he needs to. Randomly he can catch a glimpse of something in the mirror resting on his shoulders when the room is dark. The feeling never fades. It doesn't matter if he is sleeping, working, sex, whatever. It never vanishes. Weaknesses: Lacks confidence even if it's something he's done hundreds of times. Struggles with what he's going to do when his grandmother passes and is now alone in a house he can barely keep up. If you have ever heard the expression can make a mountain out of a mole hill? Michael can talk up anything in his head and make it twenty times worse. Feels like hes a slob even when he tries to be healthy and attempts to work out. His grandmother. Motivations: Wants his Grandmother Joyce to enjoy what life she has left without having to worry about him or really anything. This forces him to constantly be working or trying to find odd jobs for more cash. Would love a newer car but will probably never buy one because it's a want and not a need. Will not leave Havenwood no matter what as long as his grandmother is alive. Feels he owes it to his grandparents to care for them.[/hider]