[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] From the entrance of the Bazaar to the medical station, she stayed with Fenna. She wanted to make sure Sil would be okay, but more than that, she wanted to be there for Fenna. Fenna had been a rock of stability for MacKensie from day one, giving her a comforting arm around the shoulder while she cried her eyes out. All days beyond that, she had been an example to MacKensie of how to remain strong in the face of physical danger, mental fatigue and emotional turmoil. Now it was MacKensie's turn to repay the favour. Sil had been hit with a fireball - something that MacKensie would have expected to take out the bird completely - but Sil was tougher than the average bird. Her feathers were scorched and she'd taken considerable damage, but it appeared that it was nothing the Clerics could not take care of. When MacKensie spied the tiefling, Corporal Maviel heading her way, the frenchwoman took her arm from around Fenna's shoulders and stepped away from the medical station. She recieved the report that the Rabbits numbered fifty-six - a little over half of how many they'd started with. The casualties were extremely hard to take, for MacKensie, but she steeled herself and briskly nodded. [Colour=Pink]"Maviel, you have distinguished yourself in this battle,"[/colour] she said. [Colour=Pink]"As I'm sure you've realised; Sergeant Grimes is no longer with us."[/colour] Maviel nodded solemnly. [Colour=Pink]"You will be my second-in-command from now. The enemy will be here any moment. See to it that the Rabbits are organised and prepared for further instruction. I will be with you shortly."[/colour] "Ma'am." With that, MacKensie returned to Fenna's side. Then Barracker appeared and MacKensie gave him a pursed-lipped smile, glad to see him alive and hale. [Colour=Green]"How is she?"[/colour] MacKensie looked at Fenna to let her respond, then affirmed her answer, but as she looked back to Barracker, she noticed a strange look in his eyes. The Paladin suddenly excused himself and MacKensie frowned as she watched him go. She looked at Fenna quizzically to see if the other Ranger had caught that strange instance. The wheels turned in her head and she looked down at her clothes to see what Barracker might've been looking at, then it clicked. [Colour=Pink]"I'll be back,"[/colour] she informed Fenna, then went after Barracker. She was just in time to see the end of his strenuous body language. She recognised it for what it was, which confirmed her suspicion as to what was going on. She said nothing at first, merely going over to him and rubbing his back, a brief check behind her to make sure no one had seen anything. After a moment for the vampire to compose himself, she spoke softly. [Colour=Pink]"This must be hard for you, no? All of this blood."[/colour] She listened to however much he wanted to say. Outside of the alleyway, soldiers were running left and right across the alley's mouth and orders could be heard being shouted about, but MacKensie's attention did not stray from her friend. She knew that this was extremely important. Even if they all died this morning, Barracker would go to his god, Hades, assured that there was someone out there who did not think him a monster. [Colour=Pink]"Just know..."[/colour] she responded after he was done. [Colour=Pink]"...that I may not be able to understand fully, but I am here for you. No matter what. All of us,"[/colour] she said, referring to Second Chance. [Colour=Pink]"We all have our burdens to carry, but we can draw strength from eachother. Our bonds. Our trust. We will never abandon you."[/colour] Then she gently turned him to face her and grabbed his hands. [Colour=Pink]"I will not stand for this nonsense of you being a monster,"[/colour] she said firmly. [Colour=Pink]"You, Kass, are a hero. You always have been and you always will be. Yes?"[/colour] She gave a small smile. [Colour=Pink]"Now let's do what heroes do and save this city."[/colour] It was difficult territory to navigate. She felt a little callous to be so firm with him when he was struggling. But she thought it might help - perhaps a little of something that a soldier might understand better. She wished there was more time to talk it out, but the enemy would not wait for them. The interval between the fighting would soon be over. They headed first for Fenna and Sil, then to the command post to see what the orders for the Captains would be. Surpisingly, she saw Alison and James. James stood in place of the Vice Commander. MacKensie did not question it, for there was no time. Also... James just suited the position of authority. She touched Alison's shoulder as she passed her, a small gesture of comraderie. [Colour=Pink]"What is the plan?"[/colour] she asked, resting her hands on the table.