When they approached the barricades of the Bazaar MacKensie joined them and Zell finally woke up. That was one less worry, but her biggest still lay in her arms. She knew Sil was alive, but she needed medical attention. She nodded once when Zell thanked her, but the look in her eyes didn't change and both turned their attention to Sil. "I hope so," she answered MacKensie's question honestly. "I mean, she should be if I can find a healer for her." The first two clerics she approached wanted to prioritise the human casualties, they didn't see any reason why they would waste time and magic on a bird. Fenna didn't waste time by trying to argue and just went to the next healer. Fenna was grateful that MacKensie stayed with her as they tried to find someone who could help. The third looked from Fenna to Sil and back to Fenna with compassion in her eyes. "Lay her down, I will do what I can," she told them. As she worked her magic to heal the falcon, she continued the conversation. "Our Ranger had a boar. I know how close they were. I know how devastated he was when he lost his animal companion. But don't you worry, your falcon seems to be a tough girl, I'll be able to heal her." Fenna fought hard to keep back the tears. She did not want to lose Sil. MacKensie was with her, a comforting arm around her and she tapped it to let her know she appreciated it. When Barracker asked how she was, Fenna was able to answer she'd be okay. She desperately wanted to see it happen, but for now she had to trust the Cleric. The pat on her shoulder was appreciated. When MacKensie left Fenna didn't know why, but she also didn't stop her. There was enough going on, the enemy was still near. She wouldn't stop anyone from doing their job. She had a job to do as well, but she couldn't leave Sil. Not yet. Five of her soldiers approached her to see how Sil was doing and one of them briefed Fenna on the status of the Falcons. They had lost a more then half of the soldiers at the wall and during the retreat. Too many. Way too many. Realistically, Fenna knew that wasn't her fault, they had been stationed at the far end of the defenses and had been in the back of the retreat, but she still felt responsible. "Everyone who's not in need of healing should regroup and get ready to defend the Bazaar," she told the soldier. "Enemies are closing in. The healed soldiers will join when they can. Relay those orders to the others. I will give more orders when I know more about the strategy to defend this place." MacKensie and Barracker returned to let her know they would go to the command post, just after the Cleric announced she had done all she could. "I will join you shortly," she promised the two and turned to the healer. "Did it work?" "Your falcon will be up in no time. You can leave her here to rest, she will find you." Fenna gently stroke the feathers. "You're a brave girl, Sil. Join me when your wings are strong enough." Fenna straightned her back. She had to stop wasting time and get into action again. The Bazaar had given a breather, but at the edges there were still people fighting and thousands of skeletons were approaching. She remembered their very first fight against skeletons on the day they arrived here. Those creatures hadn't stopped them back then, and wouldn't stop them now. With her spear in her hand, Fenna walked towards the command centre as well to get new orders and see how her friends were doing.