Caught up reading here, ayy. I also love the idea of an isolated, rural islandl Coincidentally, a small, remote town vibe was what I pictured for this anyhow, ha. Complete with the old rundown shrines. I imagine there'd be a lot of old folk, or at least for sure there are in Ryuu's neighbourhood, since he lives in his grandma's old house after her passing, taking care of her plants and the cats she used to feed [s]and hiding from her disapproving elderly neighbours who keep forgetting who he is and think he's robbing the place every time they see him[/s]. Practically wrote him in my head today at work lol, just didn't get a chance to put any of it down in writing yet. Sorry for the delay! Should have him up while y'all are sleeping. For the rankings--- I keep flip-flopping between having Ryuu be a short/average ball of anger, or an awkwardly lanky totem pole of anger. [s]But seeing how Mikako is an[i] absolute short queen[/i] at [i]152 cm[/i], there will definitely be some fun height difference shenanigans regardless, lmao.[/s] He won't be a [i]giant[/i] either way, but, hm, decisions. An image is one of the things I'm still missing, so I think once I settle on one, that'll solidify my decision! He's definitely stereotypically shit at academics tho. EDIT: I FORGOT to comment on the doodles but aaa those are cute af, Olive! I love foxyboy's many expressive faces.