[color=lightgray][b][color=red][center][h3]FLASHBACK[/h3][/center][/color][/b] [h1][center][color=lightsteelblue]Cassius[/color] & [color=4C93C2]Calbert[/color][/center][/h1] [b][color=4C93C2]Time:[/color][/b] Late Evening of Sola 26th [b][color=lightsteelblue]Location:[/color][/b] Damien Estate [hr] Cassius had barely stepped into the grand foyer when his gaze landed upon the unmistakable figure of his father. Calbert Damien stood beside the elegant grand piano at the room's center, a cigar held loosely between his fingers. Wisps of smoke curled slowly upward, dissipating into the air. The count's posture was impeccably poised, yet his eyes betrayed his simmering displeasure. The reflection of the ornate mirrors cast haunting shadows behind him, making his silhouette loom larger than life. He brought the cigar to his lips, inhaling deeply before releasing a slow stream of smoke. His eyes locked onto Cassius, scrutinizing him silently for a long, charged moment. [color=4C93C2]"Cassius,"[/color] Calbert finally spoke after a deliberate silence, voice calm yet edged with unspoken displeasure. His voice was laced with a warmth that never quite reached his eyes. [color=4C93C2]“I trust your evening was... eventful?”[/color] Cassius paused, the remnants of the evening still lingering—the taste of Charlotte on his lips, the weight of her trust in his arms. He raised a brow at his father, a smirk settling effortlessly onto his features despite the intensity in Calbert’s gaze. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Eventful? You could say that.”[/color][/b] Cas shrugged offhandedly, striding deeper into the room. He moved past Calbert, stopping at the decanter resting elegantly on a nearby side table. His fingers brushed the crystal, but he hesitated, a subtle tension threading through his shoulders. Finally, Cassius glanced over his shoulder, offering Calbert a half-smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Though I suspect you already know exactly how my evening went. Isn’t that right, Father?”[/color][/b] Turning back towards the decanter, he poured two glasses of whiskey and moved towards Calbert to hand him one. Calbert’s eyes flicked to the glass Cassius offered, but he made no move to take it. Instead, he allowed the silence to thicken once more as he slowly lowered the cigar from his lips, the red ember at its tip glowing faintly. [color=4C93C2]“Indeed,”[/color] he began. [color=4C93C2]“I’d say I hardly need a recap of your evening,”[/color] he went on, the corners of his mouth tightening in a humorless smile. [color=4C93C2]“Given that kiss you bestowed on Lady Charlotte Vikena for all the world to see outside her estate. One could judge the [i]quality[/i] of your night from that alone, wouldn’t you agree?”[/color] He turned slightly, setting the cigar down on the edge of the piano’s glossy surface. The fresh scrape of ash on wood underscored the tension in the air. [color=4C93C2]“You do take after me in the manner you enjoy your theatrics, Cassius.”[/color] [b][color=lightsteelblue]“If there's a point you're trying to make, Father, I'd prefer you didn't dance around it. It's late, and despite my apparent [i]flair for theatrics[/i], I'm not in the mood for games.”[/color][/b] With a pointed glance, Cassius withdrew the offered drink, tipping the contents of the extra glass into his own with deliberate ease. The whiskey burned pleasantly as he took a sip, stormy eyes never leaving his father as he waited, daring him to get to the point. Calbert’s brows arched ever so slightly, the only visible sign of his surprise at Cassius’s boldness. [color=4C93C2]“Games?”[/color] he echoed incredulity with bubbling anger, [color=4C93C2]“You [i][b]dare[/b][/i] to accuse me of such a thing, after you deliberately disobeyed the one request I made of you?”[/color] He exhaled a short, humorless laugh, stepping forward. [color=4C93C2]“I warned you—told you to keep your distance from that girl. And yet here you stand,”[/color] his voice took on a colder edge, [color=4C93C2]“practically boasting about your little dalliance, not just once but time and again.”[/color] The count began to enumerate each incident, unfolding one finger at a time in a deliberate show of control. [color=4C93C2]“First, at my very own event just hours after I asked you to stay away from her, you danced with her. Then, you appeared at the Edwards gathering side by side, rolling in the grass like carefree children. Next, you dashed off in the dead of night on her account—and now, you saw fit to take her out on a [i]date[/i].”[/color] His gaze flicked to the whiskey in Cassius’s grip. [color=4C93C2]“It’s almost amusing,”[/color] he mused, his voice tinged with sarcasm. [color=4C93C2]“Seeing you there, so nonchalant—drinking in the dead of night, as though you truly believe you can stand toe-to-toe with the father who’s done nothing but take you in and show you kindness.”[/color] He paused, letting the quiet drag, his mouth curving into a mirthless smile. Slowly, he spread his arms, a flicker of sadness washing over his features. [color=4C93C2]“But if you’re really so averse to playing a [i]game[/i], Cassius,”[/color] he continued softly, [color=4C93C2]“then lay down your cards.”[/color] Taking a single step forward, he lifted his chin and fixed his gaze upon his son, his voice dropping to a dangerously measured pitch. [color=4C93C2]“Tell me, boy—what have I done to deserve [i]this[/i] from you?”[/color] [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Disobeyed?”[/color][/b] Cassius echoed, a quiet scoff slipping past his lips. The corners of his mouth curled into a wry, humorless smirk as he swirled the whiskey in his glass, watching the liquid catch the dim light before his gaze lifted, sharp and unyielding. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You speak as though I’m some unruly child rather than a grown man who has seen more of this world than even you, has accomplished more as [i]lowly[/i], and let’s not forget [i]fatherless[/i] commoner than most blue-blooded, silver-spoon fed noble fools could ever even dream of.”[/color][/b] He took a slow step forward, not quite challenging, but refusing to back down. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“And I danced with her because she was on the verge of falling apart, and I wasn’t about to stand there and watch. I went with her to the party because we happened to cross paths that morning at the lake, and it simply made sense. I ran after her because any man of honor would find it a little concerning to see a noblewoman rushing towards an inferno like she was. Isn’t that what you expect of me, to behave like a man of honor? And yeah I kissed her—”[/color][/b] He paused just briefly, something flickering in his storm-gray eyes before he smothered it, his voice evening out once more. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“ There was no strategy, no ulterior motives. It was not a chess move, nor an act of defiance against you, father. I did it because I wanted to. It’s that simple.”[/color][/b] Cassius tilted his head slightly, studying his father with the same assessing sharpness Calbert so often reserved for others. The older man was a master of control, his calm as smooth as glass, but Cassius had learned to recognize the tension just beneath it—the blade hidden beneath silk, poised to strike. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You want me to lay down my cards?”[/color][/b] he mused, voice quiet but edged with something firm. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Fine. Consider them on the table.”[/color][/b] He didn’t break eye contact, didn’t waver beneath the weight of his father’s scrutiny. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Charlotte’s not a pawn, Father, and neither am I.”[/color][/b] Cassius took another slow sip of his whiskey, letting the burn settle in his chest, grounding him. When he spoke again, his voice dipped lower, quieter, but carried a challenge all the same. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“So let’s hear it—why does it matter to you [i]so damned much[/i] what I do with Charlotte Vikena?”[/color][/b] The count exhaled slowly through his nose. His fingers drummed against the polished surface of the piano as his mind whirred. [color=4C93C2]“You mistake me, Cassius… If you think I see either you or Lady Charlotte as mere pawns, then you know nothing of me at all.”[/color] His brows drew together, his tone dipping into something almost wounded. [color=4C93C2]“I have spent my life securing our family’s standing, ensuring its survival. Do you think I would waste my time trying to guide you if I thought you were just a piece to be moved on a board?”[/color] His gaze darkened, flickering with something unreadable. [color=4C93C2]“I told you to keep your distance not to control you, not to amuse myself with some arbitrary restriction—but to protect you.”[/color] He let those words settle, watching Cassius closely, gauging his reaction before continuing. [color=4C93C2]“ I know I did not give you enough context.”[/color] A humorless chuckle left him as he shook his head. [color=4C93C2]“ But instead of asking for more, you immediately sought her out. You must understand why I take some insult… ”[/color] His voice tightened, his chin lifting slightly.[color=4C93C2]“Whether you simply fancy her pretty face or have found yourself completely smitten with the girl, I am going to insist you keep your distance from her once more if you truly care about the wellbeing of this family, and most importantly—your sisters.”[/color] He lifted his hand before Cassius could interrupt. [color=4C93C2]“Before you protest, before you dismiss my words as paranoia, I will give you the context you seem to so desperately lack.”[/color] [color=4C93C2]“Lady Charlotte Vikena,”[/color] he continued, [color=4C93C2]“is not the woman you think she is. In fact, she is far from an innocent socialite caught up in the drama of the nobility. She is a woman who has aligned herself with those who wish to do our family harm.”[/color] He lifted a hand, fingers pressing against his temple as if exasperated by his son’s obliviousness. [color=4C93C2]“You ask me why I want you away from Charlotte Vikena? Then listen carefully, because after tonight, I will not repeat myself.”[/color] His hand lowered, and his eyes locked onto Cassius’s with unflinching severity. [color=4C93C2]“That girl surrounds herself with dangers you do not fully comprehend, nor do you seem to care to.”[/color] He scoffed, a humorless chuckle escaping him before his expression sobered. [color=4C93C2]“Do you know who she harbors? Who she aligns herself with?”[/color] His lips curled, not in amusement, but in disgust. [color=4C93C2]“It begins with two individuals—Kazumin and a woman now calling herself Olivia.”[/color] [color=4C93C2]“Kazumin Nagasa is a deranged, perverted maniac who has long fixated on Crystal in an unhealthy, stalking manner. He lurked around her bedroom, obsessed with my daughter. When he finally had the gall to come here upon invitation, he was completely out of his mind—irrational, and dangerous. Olivia attacked our home with arrows and helped him escape before the guards could arrest him… And as for Olivia… she is not merely some mysterious woman Charlotte sheltered out of kindness. She was seen at the very scene where my daughter Violet was attacked with an axe... Do you know what she was doing?”[/color] His gaze burned into Cassius as he let the weight of that question settle. [color=4C93C2]“Running.”[/color] He paused for dramatic effect. [color=4C93C2]“Fleeing the scene.”[/color] [color=4C93C2]“And Charlotte?”[/color] His voice sharpened as he took a step forward, eyes narrowing. [color=4C93C2]“Not only did she [i]not[/i] turn these people over to the authorities, but she gave them sanctuary. She shielded them, hid them—[i]protected them[/i]. And now?”[/color] His lips pressed into a thin line. [color=4C93C2]“She chooses to remain in their company. She surrounds herself with them freely, as if their past actions mean nothing. And do you know who else she spends her time with?”[/color] He scoffed again, shaking his head. [color=4C93C2]“Count Fritz Hendrix.”[/color] His expression darkened. [color=4C93C2]“The man who spent the night with Violet while she was missing, getting her drunk in the slums.”[/color] [color=4C93C2]“And if that were not enough,”[/color] Calbert went on, [color=4C93C2]“she had the audacity to sneak into my study. A woman I have welcomed into my house on multiple occasions—a woman who was supposed to be a family friend—betrayed that hospitality and trespassed where she did not belong.”[/color] His fingers drummed lightly on the armrest of the chair he had taken. [color=4C93C2]“She was caught going through my things. She stood there, like a guilty child, caught red-handed in an act of betrayal. And do you know what she did?”[/color] He arched a brow. [color=4C93C2]“She came crying to you.”[/color] Calbert shook his head. [color=4C93C2]“Do you not see the pattern, Cassius? Do you truly not understand?”[/color] His tone was softer now, but no less intense. [color=4C93C2]“This is not coincidence. This is not innocent rebellion or childish defiance. This is a deliberate entanglement with people who have, time and again, put our family in danger after [i]YEARS[/i] of devotion of the Damiens to the Vikenas. They are a collection of criminals and liars, gathering under the guise of misfits and lost souls.”[/color] His jaw tightened. [color=4C93C2]“And whether she realizes it or not, Charlotte Vikena has woven herself so deeply into their web that she is either blind to it or complicit.”[/color] Cassius stood still, his grip tightening subtly around the glass in his hand as Calbert’s words settled over him like a thick, suffocating fog. His father’s voice, always so controlled, so measured, carried its weight with surgical precision—each accusation, each revelation, was sharpened to wound, to carve doubt into the certainty Cassius carried with him. He exhaled, slow and deliberate, before bringing the glass to his lips. The whiskey burned down his throat, but it was nothing compared to the fire curling low in his chest. [b]Kazumin. Olivia. Fritz.[/b] He knew the names. Some in passing, some more directly. He had heard the rumors, the whispers of scandal. And yet, as Calbert spoke, as he spun a tapestry of treachery and deceit, Cassius found himself unwilling to take it at face value. He had seen Charlotte—[i]really seen her[/i]—and she was many things, but she was no villain. And yet… this was not something he could just dismiss. He set the now-empty glass down with an almost lazy motion, fingers tapping idly against the polished surface before he turned back to face his father fully. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“That’s quite the tale, Father,”[/color][/b] he murmured, voice smooth but lacking its usual bite. His expression remained unreadable, a mask worn too well. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“A rather convenient one, too.”[/color][/b] He tilted his head, a wry smile ghosting over his lips. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“And tell me—how much of this is truth, and how much of it is just the [i]right amount[/i] of truth?”[/color][/b] His storm-gray eyes locked onto Calbert’s, sharp and searching. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Because I know you, Father. I may not have known you long, but I know how you, and men like you, operate. Every word you just said was carefully chosen, every piece of information curated for maximum effect. You always play the long game, and you never show your full hand unless you’re certain it’s the winning one.”[/color][/b] He let the accusation settle between them for a beat before continuing. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“But let’s say I take you at your word,”[/color][/b] he went on, pacing a slow step forward. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Let’s say Charlotte does keep questionable company. Let’s say she’s made some reckless choices, aligned herself with people who have hurt our family. Does that mean she’s guilty by association? Perhaps. Or, maybe she’s just a girl in over her head trying to do the best she can for her friends. You can relate to doing what’s necessary to protect those you hold dear, can you not? Lily, Violet, Crystal…even me. And do you not keep questionable company yourself in order to ensure our safety?”[/color][/b] He let out a short, humorless laugh, shaking his head. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“All the while, you’re expecting me to walk away from her, to cast her aside without a second thought. Just like that.”[/color][/b] He snapped his fingers, the sound sharp against the quiet room. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Tell me, Father—are you a man who lets other people decide for you who to care about? I think not. Why the fuck would you assume I’m any different in that regard?”[/color][/b] His voice was quieter now, less edged with defiance but no less resolute. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“I don’t doubt that you believe what you’re saying. But you also believe that control is the same thing as protection. That keeping people in check is the same as keeping them safe.”[/color][/b] He huffed out a breath, rolling his shoulders back as if shaking off the weight of this entire conversation. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“And maybe that’s true for you. Maybe that’s how you’ve kept this family afloat all these years.”[/color][/b] He turned away slightly, glancing down at the glass on the table before looking back at Calbert with something quieter in his eyes—something less subtle in its honesty. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“But that’s not who I am.”[/color][/b] A pause. A long one. Then, finally, Cassius straightened, his usual smirk creeping back into place like armor being slipped on. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You want me to stay away from her?”[/color][/b] he mused, tilting his head in mock consideration. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You’ll have to do better than that.”[/color][/b] His grin widened, sharp and knowing. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Because—”[/color][/b] he leaned in just slightly, voice dropping lower, [b][color=lightsteelblue]“—my days of simply following orders are long behind me.”[/color][/b] Cassius let the silence stretch, the weight of his words lingering in the air between them. He watched his father closely, searching for any crack in that carefully constructed facade. Then, slowly, deliberately, he let out a quiet, pointed chuckle. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You know,”[/color][/b] he mused, swirling what little remained of the whiskey in his glass before knocking it back, savoring the slow burn, [b][color=lightsteelblue]“it’s funny how you spin this story, actually. How you lay out the dangers, the betrayals, the [i]criminals[/i] she surrounds herself with. You paint her as naive at best, complicit at worst.”[/color][/b] His gaze lifted, sharp and unreadable, as he set the empty glass down with a soft clink. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“But there’s something missing from your tale, isn’t there? Something rather important. See, I’ve been thinking about that night at the masquerade.”[/color][/b] He took another slow step forward, his voice still casual, but there was an unmistakable edge beneath it now. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“How she was standing there, barely holding herself together, looking like she’d just seen a ghost. Or rather…”[/color][/b] His smirk faded slightly. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“…like she’d just been torn apart by one.”[/color][/b] He tilted his head, watching his father’s expression with quiet scrutiny. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You warned me to stay away from her, yet by your own admission you’re the one who left her in that state. You, Father. And I have to wonder—what exactly did you say to her? What did you do that was so vile as to make her crumble like that?”[/color][/b] He let that question sit between them, let it simmer. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You claim she’s a danger to this family, yet from where I’m standing, the only person I’ve [i]seen[/i] hurting anyone…”[/color][/b] He exhaled a quiet laugh, shaking his head, before finishing simply, [b][color=lightsteelblue]“is you.”[/color][/b] Calbert had let him speak his piece, had allowed the silence to linger a moment longer. When he met Cassius’s gaze finally, his eyes reflected sadness and disappointment. [color=4C93C2]“...You speak boldly, Cassius, of truths and deception—as if your judgment is beyond reproach. Yet you accuse your own father while placing your trust in a woman you just met..”[/color] He sighed and put his hands on hips. [color=4C93C2]“Consider this: Charlotte Vikena has been like family to your sisters for years, Crystal has considered Charlotte to be her very best friend… Yet she willingly shelters those who have harmed both girls. You accuse me of manipulation, yet you fail to see how effortlessly she manipulates you.”[/color] Calbert tilted his head slightly, stepping forward with a quiet intensity. [color=4C93C2]“If you truly trust her so implicitly, I challenge you—ask her yourself. Look her in the eyes and ask if she’s withheld information from you. Ask her if she’s willing to reveal the full extent of her connections and intentions.”[/color] He raised his chin slightly. [color=4C93C2]“See for yourself if your Charlotte is as honest and noble as you desperately wish her to be, or if perhaps my caution was justified after all.”[/color] Cassius didn’t respond right away. Instead, he pondered, rolling his father’s words over in his mind like a gambler turning a coin between his fingers, testing its balance. The room felt smaller somehow, thick with unspoken tension, but Cassius didn’t look away. He watched Calbert carefully, as if searching for something just beneath the surface—some tell, some flicker of something that wasn’t control, wasn’t calculation. He sighed, running a hand down his face before finally—[i]finally[/i]—he spoke. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You know, when I first came here, I figured you’d treat me like most noble bastards get treated—like a stain on your honor, a mistake you’d rather pretend didn’t exist. And I was ready to play the role of thorn in your side, father.”[/color][/b] His voice was quieter now, measured. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“But you didn’t do that did you?. We both know you could’ve ignored me, cast me aside, made it clear I was nothing but an inconvenience to you.”[/color][/b] His eyes flickered, something genuine behind them. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Instead, you’ve been… generous. More than I expected. You took me in, gave me a place at your table, at your side. And whether that’s out of duty, guilt, strategy—hell, maybe even something [i]close[/i] to fatherly affection—I don’t know. But I do know it’s more than most would’ve done.”[/color][/b] Shaking his head slightly, a quiet, almost amused scoff escaping him. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Which is why I’m not going to stand here and pretend your words hold no weight.”[/color][/b] He rested his hand on the edge of the table, fingers drumming idly against the wood. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You think Charlotte’s dangerous—whether by her own choices or by the company she keeps.”[/color][/b] His voice was steady. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“And maybe you’re right. Maybe she is tangled up in something bigger than she realizes. Maybe she’s not as innocent in all this as I’d like to believe.”[/color][/b] His lips quirked into something that wasn’t quite a smile. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“But perhaps even the great Count Damien could be wrong. Either way, I don’t take a man’s word as gospel, even if that man is my father.”[/color][/b] He straightened, running a hand through his hair before continuing. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You need to understand. No one survives as long as I have in this world, not with the life I’ve led, without knowing when someone’s playing you.”[/color][/b] Cassius tilted his head slightly, considering. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“So, I’ll talk to her.”[/color][/b] The words were simple, but firm. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“Not because you ordered me to. Not because I believe every damn word you’ve said. But because at the end of the day you’ve earned that courtesy from me…And, because I want to hear the truth from her lips. Not yours.”[/color][/b] He stepped back slightly, giving Calbert an almost roguish smirk, but there was something else behind it now—something more grounded. [b][color=lightsteelblue]“You’re asking me to see things clearly, to see the bigger picture. Fine. But that means getting the [i]real[/i] truth, not just the version that suits you.”[/color][/b] Cassius held Calbert’s gaze for a long moment before finally stepping back, striding over to the decanter again and pouring himself another drink. Calbert watched Cassius speak in silence, his expression unreadable. Only the slow curl of cigar smoke betrayed the depth of his thoughts. Finally, he tilted his head slightly, exhaling through his nose. [color=4C93C2]“All I’m doing is looking out for you, Cassius.”[/color] His voice was quieter now, firm without harshness. [color=4C93C2]“Your free will has never been in question. But I hope you will respect our family—especially your sisters.”[/color] He took a step forward, hands clasped behind his back, eyes unwavering. [color=4C93C2]“You assume I speak out of convenience. Perhaps. But I wouldn't waste my breath on empty words. Nor would I waste my time.”[/color] A faint, humorless smile touched his lips. [color=4C93C2]“Thank you for hearing me out.”[/color] His gaze flickered briefly toward Cassius, thoughtful. [color=4C93C2]“Go talk to her, then. See for yourself.”[/color] His voice dropped lower. [color=4C93C2]“But brace yourself, Cassius. You might not like what you find.”[/color] Turning away, he departed up the stairs. Cassius watched as his father ascended the stairs, each measured step echoing through the quiet room. He didn’t speak, didn’t call after him—just stood there, that steel-gray stare following Calbert’s retreat until the man disappeared entirely. Then, silence. With one last glance toward the empty staircase, Cassius turned away, heading toward the doors. Despite having only been inside for a few moments, the night air called to him, crisp and cool, offering an escape from the weight of the conversation. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to be getting much sleep anyway. Time to go clear his head. Tomorrow, he would figure out his next move. Tonight, or at least what remained of it…belonged to oblivion.[/color]