[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][@AvaP][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5dsbyIr.jpeg[/img][/center] "FIRE!" Commander Thorn boomed. The reserve core - 100 mages and 500 soldiers, all rained down arrows, earth, fire and ice upon the Bone Legion. It was a sight to behold, to see the multitudes of balconies at the top of Citadel Moutain light up with Source and fire arrows. Much damage was done. But Commander Thorn could already tell that it would not be enough. By the hundred, the skeleton warriors of varying size and armament climbed out of the river, arriving on the side of Citadel Mountain. And another hundred. And another. There was no end to them. Within a few minutes, the entire docks under the moutain and the road by it, was packed with the Bone Legion. And they began their slow, unstoppable march aiming to round the northside of the mountain, taking tremendous damage from the reserve core, but never hesitating a step. What was almost as terrifying as the Bone Legion to the mages on the mountain was the fact that they were running out of mana. Days of holding up the sky barrier was now taking its toll. Pretty soon, the magical forces of Valhiem would become virtually useless. This scary fact was something that the mages at the Bazaar were also feeling. The Clerics and other wizards were feeling the magical fatigue as they began to reach the end of their mana. Small groups of them who were capable, were stood in circles, holding hands as they tried to spend the little time they had, charging up from the Source of of all things around them, the air, the grass, the water. There was a desperation in their efforts. The Orc heavies lined up on the other side of the bridge, getting into rank and file. The highly skilled Knights of Terequette lined up beside them. Skeletons began to form up on the banks of the river, staring across at the Bazaar with their soulless sockets. And then through the gap between the Orc Heavies and the Knights of Terequette stomped the ogres. 6 huge ogres in patchwork armour, with clubs and huge machete's covered the width of the bridge and began snarling and barking. The defenders were vastly outnumbered and these here were not even all of the strongest troops. Saladin was still holding back, using the orcs and skeletons to wear down the magical reserves of the defending mages and the stamina of the soldiers. After all... when the city was taken, the Antiquinite General would make 10-15 thousand more corpses out of Valhiem's population, to raise up as auxillary fodder. The Bazaar had its own problems, but if the skeletons made it around the northside of Citadel mountain and took the high road at the foot of the slopes, then the defending army would be crushed with nowhere to run. Suddenly, this 2nd level of defence was looking like a gamble that Commander Thorn would lose. [center]______________________________________________[/center] Saladin and his 2nd in command stood outside the North Gate as the last of the invading forces entered the city. These were the Men of Rudiger - huge hulking Sibliconians, descendants of humans and giants from long ago. "We should have brought Wyverns," the 2nd in command said. Saladin did not take his eyes off the top of the mountain as he replied to the high-born vampire. It was almost like he was staring Commander Thorn in the face. "We will need all we have in the North. [i]Tarost[/i], is the key to felling this entire empire." The vampire arched an eyebrow. "I thought the fortress was called Fornost." "It is, to those who do not know it's history." "Oh?" Saladin finally took his eyes off Citadel Mountain and looked upon his 2nd in command. "Tarost has never been taken. And it is built upon the 2nd largest Wellspring on the continent. We must not underestimate it. We must know everything about it. This city has little value other than it's corpses, unless Tarost falls. If we were to advance onto Capitol City from here with The Witch Queen's full might, we would become victims of the biggest tactical blunder possible. Perhaps our strength can manage it, but it is best not to try and find out. And that is why we are here with minimal, select forces. Bolstered by the Bone Legion. That is why [i]Sonthonax[/i] raids in the south with a bare bones army. Everything will be decided at Tarost." [center]______________________________________________[/center] With Commander Thorn completely distracted by the swarm of the Bone Legion, it was all down to Second Chance to lead the defence at the Bazaar. When all was ready, the invaders began chanting, louder and louder, faster and faster, until there was continuous roar coming from over the bridge. Then a horn sounded and it began. The skeletons submerged as they marched into the river and headed for the banks of the Bazaar. The ogres charged forward, aiming to smash a hole in the three adventurer parties. All around the ogres, Orc Heavies and the Knights of Tereqette rushed in.