[b][color=00a651]Fuka Nakano Matter Dei Hospital, Msida[/color][/b] Perhaps it wasn't her place to ask such a question, or maybe she should have approached it with more tact, but Fuka felt entitled to an answer. She was one of the few people who could understand Kat, after all. How many people had list an integral part of themselves like they had, and of that select group how many had lost it in battle? They were maimed not by a car crash or a freak accident but through violence, wounded warriors who kept fighting because it was their purpose. [color=00a651]"I know just how you feel."[/color] she said, taking the offered seat. [color=00a651]"I'm left-handed, and I still try to brush my teeth before attaching my arm. I suppose I should be grateful that I'm able to fly. They told me that everyone adjusts differently, that I might not function as well as I would like. I guess we're just better than most."[/color] Fuka glanced towards Freyja as she entered, giving her a nod. [color=00a651]"From what I hear the people on those boats owe you big time."[/color] she said. [color=00a651]"Good going."[/color] Who would have thought that the big bad Valkryie, the bad bitch who sent N/UN sailors to watery graves, would find herself on humanitarian missions? Probably not even Freyja herself. Fuka wondered whether her change in allegiance had been due to morals or simple expediency, but that question went unasked. [color=00a651]"Hey, if you haven't paid dues already we can take care of it here. Ask the doctors for a bonesaw and in five minutes we can slice off a body part of your choosing."[/color] [b][color=6ecff6]Ximena Huang Tarxien, Malta[/color][/b] [color=6ecff6]"You're probably right." Ximena chuckled. "I guess we'll find out."[/color] +++ Ximena had always loved going fast. Ever since she was a girl she had craved speed, whether it be horses on her family's ranch or the Ural motorcycle her father had bought secondhand. Unsurprisingly, as she got older she got more advanced, slaloming sports cars, speedboats, and eventually, planes. Hurtling forward at hundreds or thousands of miles an hour gave her a high unmatched by anything on Earth; the fine control she had to exert contrasted against the terrifying knowledge that one wrong move would turn her into a red stain. Her hands wanted to shake but she couldn't let them, the blood pounding in her ears deafened the roar of the engines, her survival instinct begged her to slow down but she always told it to shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride. The scooter she was toodling about on wasn't enough to force her into that state of primal excitement, not even close. The little Euro-bike was pushing 150 ccs if that, but what she expected? The rental place dealt with college kids on vacation, not adrenaline junkies fiending for their next high. It was good enough to get from points A to B, and pretty cheap to boot. Jefe pulled up alongside her new buddy, eyeing the bar. [color=6ecff6]"Pretoria, like South Africa? Interesting."[/color] Perhaps some Afrikaners had gotten out when the ANC came to power and wanted to remind themselves of home. Whatever, a bar was a bar. [color=6ecff6]"Sounds good to me."[/color] Ximena killed the engine and lowered the kickstand, stepping into the bar. It looked like more of a spot for locals than a visitor's joint which was nice, the gathered crowd looking more like staff from the various tourist traps than guests. It was clean without being sanitized, the floor recently swept but still stained from years of things being dropped on it. She already knew what the food would taste like, if the place bothered serving any: entirely satisfactory and still tasting of the freezer, not overpriced, trendy crap designed for social media. It was the sort of joint Ximena could feel comfortable drinking- or at least as comfortable as she ever did. You didn't walk around with a knife in your boot and a hand cannon hidden in a specially made pocket because you were at peace with the universe. [color=6ecff6]"Hey there."[/color] she addressed the woman behind the bar breezily. [color=6ecff6]"Can we get something local?"[/color] Two bottles of Cisk lager were presented, Jefe taking one as she slid onto a stool. [color=6ecff6]"So Calico, how long have you been with Shattered?"[/color] [center][b]Hours Later[/b][/center] [b][color=00a651]Fuka Nakano[/color][/b] She liked being a fighter jock, but Fuka had to admit she missed being shot at on the ground. Rounds flew overhead and ricocheted somewhere behind her as she switched from target to target, knocking them down like she were plinking soda cans. Moving with her crew was almost like being in the Rangers again; Valk covering her in a classic bounding maneuver. She took note of the pair the Swede had pointed out and reacted. One man had an old-school Ruger rifle but no idea how to use it, aiming much low considering his angle. Fuka put one in his chest before switching targets, shooting his pal in the gut. Whatever breathing room she had bought was quickly spent by the appearance of another pair on the roof, Peacenink having to duck for cover as they opened up. She could see them only by the light of their muzzle flash, indistinct figures disappearing back into the darkness. Looking around to take account of the team's circumstances she spotted Aurelie heading for the light stack. [color=00a651]"Valk, Myk! Cover her! New girl, stick with me!"[/color] [b][color=6ecff6]Ximena Huang[/color][/b] The sabotuers didn't seem interested in taking their offer, which was a shame indeed. Jefe, always eager to please, opened up again with her machine gun. Her drinking buddy seemed bored now that all the targets were ducking out of the way, Ximena noting how she flicked her MP5 from 'for your eyes only' to 'to whom this may concern'. [color=6ecff6]"Have fun."[/color] she shouted back. [color=6ecff6]"I'll follow behind you guys in a bit!"[/color] She laid down fire as Calico dashed for the door, one genius sticking his arm up to blindfire just as bullets swept his window. It was hard to tell at that distance, but Ximena was pretty sure she had torn his arm off at the wrist. [color=6ecff6][i]Whoops.[/i][/color] She snickered cruelly, keeping the carnage coming. She could see a hint of movement as someone crouchwalked from one window to another, the very top of their head bobbing in and out of view. Ximena didn't bother aiming for such a tiny target, instead letting a burst of .300 Blackout chew through the thin wall and whichever mechanic was behind it. [color=6ecff6]"Come and get some you fucking traitors, I'm right here! I'll do this shit all night![/color] It was probably karma for her to be fighting 'traitors' since she herself was one, but that was a problem for the future. In the meantime she had good, solid cover in the form of a concrete barrier and a thick lightpost base and about fifty rounds in her current belt. It was a recipe for a fun time, but not exactly what she had signed up for when she defected. [@Rhona W] [@Finetales] [@Letter Bee] [@Damo021]