[h1][color=00ff66][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5595471]Kit Galloway[/url][/color][/h1] [hr] "One moment," Kit called out to the muffled voices as he buttons up his shirt. "I was about to have lunch...." "Kit," Gator whispered urgently, her green face contorted with concern. "Lock up the tiffin or we'll never be rid of them!" The muffled voices were still talking as he pressed the hidden button, which stopped the transducers vibrating the windows as they became transparent once more, the blinds scrolling back up and then unlocking the door. Directing Gator to the corner, he walked over and slid it open, then frowned up at the two unfamiliar faces of Klay and Lupton at his door. Where was his mooching co-workers? "Ah, excuse me gentlemen," Kit said, a polite, professional smile returning to his face. "Office privacy filters, can't hear a thing when they're on. I'm Kit Galloway, Business Resolutions Analyst. Is there something I can help you with?"