I haven't left my homeland since the war with Edren. But that changes little now. That fact is unimportant in the face of my duty. Even if these surroundings are wholly unfamiliar to me, even if I have never before set foot in the lands of Drana Asnaeu, Rijin-sama's orders must be followed. Even if it were a far more frivolous matter, the consideration I paid towards his orders would be the same. Disloyalty will never enter my mind. Duty comes before all else. That is the simple fact that guides my whole existence. And now, my mission can truly begin in earnest. It had taken some time to track the Kirins to their current location. Their trail was not exactly a clean one, but at the same time tracking targets was hardly something I lacked experience with. Even on a smaller scale, determining the best point to eliminate a guard in his patrol route was a matter of tracking as well. And some targets could flee considerable distances before finally being cut down. Even if my goal was not the death of my targets in this circumstance, the principle of tracking them to their location remains the same. ---This feeling. A somewhat quicker beating of my heart, deep within my chest. Is it impatience to finally approach? Anticipation at finally beginning my mission in earnest? Anxiety at finally encountering the Kirins I have been pursuing for my objective? No. Or rather, it doesn't matter. There is no need to remain hidden. There was hardly one in the first place, but it was more convenient for me to avoid revealing myself until it was an appropriate time to make my approach and greet the Kirins. With their number assembled, there is no better time. As I approach, I take stock of their number. As promised, among them are Ranbu-dono and Ciradyl-dono, but also--- Geh. Edren men. Two Edren men. This matter effects them as well, to be sure, and it is not as if they have no right to attempt to end the threat posed by the fading of the crystals, but--- Geh. I will work alongside them, for that is my duty. But no more than that. But first, I have orders. Reaching into the pouch on my hip, I produce the scroll before giving the Kirins a low bow. "Asakura Chisato, of the Asakura clan." I bring forth the scroll in my hands, offering it towards Ciradyl-dono. "I am here on behalf of Rijin Hien-sama, to deliver this message to Ciradyl-dono and join in your cause." Any further words are unnecessary. Ciradyl-dono will understand once she has read the scroll, and the others will know I am here as an ally. ---Mostly unnecessary. Most of my equipment does not require special care in these conditions, beyond its usual upkeep. Most of it, at least. "I apologize, but if I may borrow some storage, it would be well-appreciated." Keeping my rations and the more explosive portions of my arsenal dry has been somewhat painful. Besides, if they do not offer assistance I will simply have to find storage myself. It would be within their best interest for them to do so.